TwistedL0gic's teacher application


Active Member
Jan 20, 2018
  • What is your Minecraft username (IGN)?
  • What subjects do you want to teach? (list 2 - 3 subjects that aren't taken and relates to Minecraft)
I would like to teach either café or business management.
  • What is you rank on the server? (Citizen, Millionaire, Police, etc.)
I am currently Citizen rank on the server.
  • What would you do if a student wasn’t behaving appropriately in class?
If a student weren’t behaving appropriately in class by saying things out of turn etc., I would first give them a verbal warning. If they continue to misbehave, I will have to send them to the main office where they will be dealt with by the principal.
  • Do you have a discord account? (This is now required for teachers to communicate and plan as a team)
Yes, I do. My Discord username is TwistedL0gic#5911.
  • What time zone are you in? (Important for knowing when to plan school)
PT (Pacific Time); I'm usually available in the afternoon on weekdays and most of the day on weekends.
  • Why do you want to become a teacher?
I want to become a teacher as I want to pay forward the success from the restaurant and company I had helped found with my other co-owners. I want to pay that success forward by teaching the next generation of players the basics in running cafés or businesses. I also want to help the community that has supported myself and my company throughout my time here. Aside from that, I believe I can help players in these fields, and am experienced due to managing that café and business.
  • Do you agree to be a good role model? As a teacher you should be responsible, mature, and follow the law. If a teacher is caught being a poor role model or breaking server rules they will be reprimanded.
As of right now, I have -82 reputation on the server. I know this might seem bad as I keep getting arrested for pvping, but recently, I have realized what I was doing was incredibly foolish and have started changing my ways on the server when it comes to breaking laws on the server just for fun. Aside from that, I am very responsible, especially when it comes to management, and I have never been punished for breaking server rules. I am also very active (as demonstrated by my /ar time ;D). As a teacher, I will be a good role model for players on this server by staying responsible and mature, and I will not break any server laws or rules.