you know what. its sad because of how I am treated, I am thinking about quitting. I have come to a point in my mc career where I don't care anymore about what happens. Every time I stand up for myself, I get forced to sit back down. I am tired of it. If yall wanted me gone, congrats its close to coming to that point. I loved being an arch so much. I got excited to come home from school, to build, and excited to talk to everyone here! That's what I felt. Excited to do things for other players. But now, I am just tired of all the bs I got for being a builder.
Gracie, building is fun, even no matter how much people say your build is trash, its the matter of perspective, if you think your build is nice, its nice. I myself lost confidence in myself, I would never build a build to keep for myself, I personally think my builds arent nice and its pulled me down, have you seen people so proud of their builds, like Bean,Turkey,Tiger,Dani and many others and its what kept them to have confidence. Even if some of them had their fair share of criticism, thy stayed proud of something they liked to do. If you loved to play on this server for 2+ years, im sure theres a reason why many of us play on a server as it acts like our daily life, even sometimes when we want to leave, we come back asking ourself and remember that theres people who still care of us. I know I am no great builder, but without builders comes no future builders, we are all simply domino pieces, if one falls a lot of builders fall, I take my confidence to try and build from observing builders build and its so nice, no matter how good or bad you see yourself, people are there who need help and they need people to show them, people to look up to as inspirations, so for the sake of the server and the people who care about you, dont leave.