Deleted member 12704
Update Log - 11/1/2019
The server will be down temporarily as we move hosts. If you have any questions, feel free to message me on discord or the forums <3
Once the transition is done, I will be hosting giveaways in-game so be sure to tune in!
The server will be down temporarily as we move hosts. If you have any questions, feel free to message me on discord or the forums <3
Once the transition is done, I will be hosting giveaways in-game so be sure to tune in!
- Halloween Changes
- The Halloween event has ended, but /warp Halloween will remain for a couple of days so that players may spend their last candy pieces.
- Gang Changes
- Removed Right-Hand due to issues with Leader permissions. The previous gang changes are still active.
- Crates Update
- Introducing the Winter Crate (Crate contents can be found at /warp crates). We're changing how the seasonal ranks previously worked. Instead of creating a custom tag, you may choose from one of the pre-created below:
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