so recently tons of people have been acting really mean to my friends and such as turkey, a lot of people have been targeting him. Its really sad on what the server has become. One guy called him horrible at building then someone sends him to court for buying a plot.
It hurts my friends are being attacked, the server use to be nice but now all these damn salty players are here and there everywhere. I may be one of the youngest players but dosent matter. I wont let someone bully my friend. I will stand up for the people I count as friends and those who are bullied. People theses days do anything to make others feel bad. Then people pick fights with my friends cus of jealousy saltyness, gosh I am like so surprised what I called a second home, the staff are really kind but loook at all these players, and what they did you name it the list can go on Kate, ciel, heather, chloe, pixel, legit, ayan, toryn so much people here are salty and this is just some of the huge list of players who left cus of all your ignorant fricking attitude.
Thanks Pixel, tiger,josh, purp and ender for always being there to help out when things go out of hand, friends stand up for each other. #Squad
#ProtectTurkey #StopBeingSalty