I had a thought about a job that I could have, Executive Assistant or Compliance Officer. I have had a lot of thought about it and searched deeper into some research about how I could put those two jobs in Minecraft. In real life, I know what those jobs are, but in a video game... things start to get tricky. I thought that since I know most of the business related... "stuff" that the manager usually knows, that knowledge combined with being able to set up meetings, and make sure everyone is doing good with work and making sure the managers work is good, then why not make me the Executive Assistant. Oh wait, the meetings and making sure everything is set up and ready, that's HR, NOPE, making sure everyone is on the same page and they are doing good with their work, Director of IT, NOPE, helping/doing the things that the Manager/CEOs work would be due for them to do, well... they probably want to do it themselves and we don't want to make it too easy on them, xD NOPE, all the ideas for Executive Assistant are gone, so just Complience Officer is left. I could be great as the Omega Company Compliance Officer, I would make sure everyone was satisfied with everything, people tell me about suggestions, ideas, complaints, etc, so I can tell the company administrators and figure out how we will change and fix the problems if necessary, and with permission, I would probably talk to the employees about good and bad things that we may come across with how we are doing with the people's feedback. To tell the administration and employees about the result of the work for the Compliance Officer, I would need meetings, public speeches, etc. It would be a great opportunity to be able to see if I could work with the HR too, in case anything like speeches or meetings need to happen, urgent or not. Also, remember how I was a people person, how I can talk in front of large groups of people, and how I have experience with being told the right and wrong things that people think about businesses, so that could help and it shows that I have socal skills for any and all people. (I was just speaking my mind, I was just wondering if you would consider this, I am just trying to help, I would love to be involved in you're company if I could get a job.) Thank you for reading this long little thought about how I might want to move into this job, go Omega!