Appreciation post.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2017
The Netherlands
Okay, let me start this off with a very important message: I'm not leaving the server. I just want to show everyone how my life has been on here and say thank you to some people!

I don't know where to begin actually. I've been here for 1.5 year now and I've done so many things. I've joined the server on 2 October 2017. Okay, almost 1.5 year, hehe. I remember my first day so well. It was like 2am when I was asking so many questions in global when DGV_Bilal helped me out. He gave me so many stacks of lapis and I was so happy. He also gave me a handgun and I thought I was a pro in pvp already with that :p. It was around 3:30am when we found out we were both from the netherlands. My first friend on here was from the same country as I was, I was so amazed. (Shoutout to him)

I tried to apply for cop like 8 times in total. @AnonymousBro was my other Dutch friend. I've never had so much fun with someone than with u. You've helped me a lot. Once I got police you trained me really well and we ruled the criminality of the server. I owe u the 6k btw. Let's bring back the name ''pole guy'', LOL. I even found this btw:
Yeah it's amazing how much we've done. I was jealous of u. The way that you were the best cop in town. The way that u were so rich and lived in mansions, while i was living in my sunapt which made me poor every week. I want to thank the whole police force. From way back, and now. @Spyders_Crypt @knight3000 @Trump15024 @Dwimmer @Bob_49 EpoxyMiner aka zoie, NinjaGaming23, @CreeperCJG. Thank you all so much for making my life in Cities so great. You've helped me so much with creating a new personality of me. @LeanneTheUnicorn (I don't think You'll see this), but a big special thanks to you. Thank you for giving me all the chances in the past. I've been a total ass to you, and I can't say sorry enough for that. I miss you and love you.

I miss these times.

Let's move on to my other Dutch friend, @ItzJazzMade. You're one of my best friends that keep me alive on here. I hope you can follow your true dream and become a helper. I think I'm one of the less people that know how hard you're working for that dream.
@2704patrick You're awesome bro. Keep smoking weed and i love being in touch with you <3.

@Ltg_Flipper, Thanks for being around with me. I can laugh with u as much as i want. I've been in tears of crying with u XD. I hope we can keep the memories going <3. Same goes for @Dwimmer, i love to spend time with you, thank you for all the times you've helped me.

@Ravenex_ Big big big big big big shoutout to you. Thank you for being such a good friend and helping me whenever I'm having a tough day. Please know that calling with u brightens my day. I'll always be here for u, but you know that :)

If there's someone i should thank for, its @TorchoTichy. You've helped me sooooooooo much after being fully eco wiped, resigned from cop and having my pvp gear disappear in the end. I can't thank you enough and that 2 million is still waiting for you. Thanks so much man <3

Also thanks to @Gjegevey and @Optic for being my lovely abusive moms <3 :)

@Ena @Davina @Death Kat @Simon32336 @pengyy Willow, (idk ur forum name), Thanks for being good friends lately and helping me with going trough things. Ily all.:cooler:

Codeh, back in the days i hated you. When i was a cop i hated you so bad. Now, you're one of my best friends. Thanks for that. I'm happy that we improved our friendship.

@koekie_w still miss you. Thanks for calling with me and watching Bram in de buurt together. You'll be missed and I'll take care of ur stuff.

@wisemanjp Hey, hey u. We're almost together for 5 months now. We've gone through so much. We've built like 8 houses together but couldn't find the right one to live in lol. I love the times with spyder, ena, mabel, zoie and bob on the island while calling. I really wish we can do things like that again after I finished my school. I love you.:giigle:

@JustYourTypical I've said it on discord, but thank you for saving the server. You're here to talk to the players and thats what we needed, i hope you're going to do great. @nibble I can't thank you enough for giving me a 3rd chance. I love playing on here and I'm sorry for what I've done in the past.

I'm almost 100% sure that i forgot some people but I'm really tired and im partly crying writing this lol. I've made so many friends on here, It's insane. I'm sorry if i forgot you, don't take it personal. Thanks to the other players that have helped me in the past. I know that I've been salty a while ago, or maybe still am sometimes. Im struggling with some things but I'm improving myself again.

I'm out, goodnight :sleep::mobpig::laugh:
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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
when I started reading I was like *I better met a seperate paragraph*

and I am not dissapointed!!! You are one of my oldest friends, At first I looked up to you so muhc its so funny xd
You have helped me achieve so much and support me no matter what. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2017
The Netherlands
dunt b a bad boi or u get a spankin mister :mad:

@lostinthewqrld - Seb you are awesome. You always help me out whenever I need it. Im looking forward to spending more time with you ^-^

Love Dwimmer

when I started reading I was like *I better met a seperate paragraph*

and I am not dissapointed!!! You are one of my oldest friends, At first I looked up to you so muhc its so funny xd
You have helped me achieve so much and support me no matter what. Thank you!
Hahahahahah of course bro. Let's achieve more together on here, I'm looking forward to it!


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
idk i dont see ethan, he's really sad. idk ma g. idk.

jk ly, happy cool kids 1.5year (...................................................wait) (ITS BEEN 1.6YEARS FOR ME TWINS???)