Recent content by Dqrk

  1. Dqrk


    Thankyou guys its all good now! :)
  2. Dqrk


    Hello guys, I haven't been on in a long time, but when I keep trying to log on the texture pack doesn't ever load fully, all I can do is walk but as soon as I press escape it quits. This is really annoying me and I need your help! Thankyou - I haven't been on in a long time and really wanna...
  3. Dqrk

    Denied Kawaiinoodles house transfer

    Yes im planning on having them regioned
  4. Dqrk

    Denied Kawaiinoodles house transfer

    My Username: Kawaiinoodles Creative plot: /plot tp 3 City plot : sky-1
  5. Dqrk

    Denied Kawaiinoodles Teacher Application!

    What is your rank on the server? Depends on how much i have in the bank but I am always Citizen + What is your /ar check time? 7 Days, 10 hours How often can you play on the server? As much as I can. usually 1 hour on weekdays 8 hours on weekends Why do you want to become a teacher? To help...
  6. Dqrk

    Maybe 0.0 pls no sir i have so much to live for!!!

    Maybe 0.0 pls no sir i have so much to live for!!!
  7. Dqrk

    Denied Kawaiinoodles Architect Application

    Thanks Mystic!
  8. Dqrk

    Denied Kawaiinoodles Architect Application

    Thankyou so much! @cp42
  9. Dqrk

    Denied Kawaiinoodles Architect Application

    Please Note- This build was for an actual plot in the game (pictured below) which has multiple buildings around it, therefore windows are limited. I know this and usually have alot of windows in my builds. Also the city around it is part of the App. Your current in game name: Kawaiinoodles Do...
  10. Dqrk


    Hey guys, as some of you may of already noticed I haven't been as active lately, life has been really busy lately with school and a new job. I will still be on Mc Cities a couple of times a week but i will no longer be on everyday as i used to be. If you want to buy one of my properties email...
  11. Dqrk

    Looking for Islands/Big plots

    Mail me , buying any sized island and big plots ready for apartments or mansions to be built on
  12. Dqrk

    Pls help

    In game if you do /vote they come up.
  13. Dqrk

    I am a simple noodle

    I am a simple noodle
  14. Dqrk

    Travel Warning Wild ⚠️

    Gabriel the only people that probably don't know this are new players. New players arnt often on the forums.
  15. Dqrk

    Case Closed Court Case against claryfray14

    You didnt tell me it was against city standards