With Joey as a senior member to me, I regretted being helper for so long, mainly because he was such a s
You would definitely have a better time, but I feel like the server is slowing down a bit. It’s up to a matter of personal preference.
I mean inflation is inflation, and you were kind of absent during the process. I'm sure it's a large jump for you, but that's the norm now, and it will only rise as more money is accumulated (with less ways to spend it)
- Citizen or higher rank to apply
- Generally follows the server rules
- Have experience with multiple build styles
- All submitted builds must be original
- All submitted builds must be built in creative mode
If your appeal is denied, you can reapply in two weeks...
I too enjoy watching Steven Universe, and I know a fair amount of python as well.
Html and and Css are very messy languages ): . I can make very basic web pages with both langauges, but also felt limited without extensive knowledge on js.
To be clear and to clarify, the monopoly trump is talking about isn't the concept that "arches make houses, and therefore no one else can". This idea, is based on the fact that arches are almost quite literally the only ones who can build/redesign a full island.
I don't really want to start an argument or anything, but world edit (AND voxel sniper) are very important tools for creating islands. Trust me, I know better than anyone how effective World Edit can be, when utilized correctly.
The "request an architect" section is pretty much useless for this...
Workers can choose their price yes, but these workers have something others don't (for a reason, yes), which kind of invalidates that point.
Also are applications open under the normal/usual section? I can't seem to even open the Architect-Application sub forum.