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  1. Shadow_stalker77

    h742 Report

    Region Name: h742 Owner: NoahMCHammer Details: The house is mostly destroyed
  2. Shadow_stalker77


    Please wait to transfer until sundae22 can approve, thanks
  3. Shadow_stalker77

    yet another caramelpopcorn transfer

    Please wait to transfer until sundae22 can approve, thanks
  4. Shadow_stalker77


    That's considered griefing and is not allowed, you could get banned
  5. Shadow_stalker77

    Disable pvp a build that is at warp fishing? could not kill people when they try to fish in the area designated for fishing
  6. Shadow_stalker77


    I assume not, since the definition of griefing a plot is breaking the build for the materials
  7. Shadow_stalker77

    A Solution to the Real Estate Problem

    When a lot of players can afford to have 10 plots, a small fee won't make them bankrupt or cause incentive to sell. If you simply play on the server, you get paychecks every ten or so minutes. If you play for just an hour every day and get $250 every paycheck, that would be $10,500 a week. If...
  8. Shadow_stalker77

    Resolved Voting Rewards in Creative

    Username: Shadow_stalker77 I logged out of Minecraft yesterday while on my creative plot and voted a few minutes later. When I got back on the server the next day (tonight), my voting rewards were in my creative inventory (14 diamonds and a pumpkin cheesecake).
  9. Shadow_stalker77

    Buying Buying Plot on bunny

    I can put it on resell for $1m just so you can /find it
  10. Shadow_stalker77

    Buying Buying Plot on bunny

    Ign is Shadow_stalker77, I have bunnyears5 for 350k
  11. Shadow_stalker77

    Transfer Request

    This is fine
  12. Shadow_stalker77

    Looking for investors!

    Why did you spam the forums with 5 identical posts
  13. Shadow_stalker77

    Transfer Request

    It's fine to transfer
  14. Shadow_stalker77

    Official Form of Enlistment for the Runnerboro National Guard

    @yankeefan1187 This is not confusing to me, never said it was. I simply said this whole thing was American, which it is. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that at least half to two-thirds of this sever is not from the United States and has no reason to learn its military ranking system...
  15. Shadow_stalker77

    Lets play a game...

  16. Shadow_stalker77

    Case Closed Case against _Sickburdpvp

    It's just funny that you're complaining about being scammed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  17. Shadow_stalker77

    Runnerboro Q&A

    Then don't say that the government listens to its citizens, because it clearly does not
  18. Shadow_stalker77

    Selling AJLand & Cormansion (Island)

    Just to clarify, the two on-going projects are mine
  19. Shadow_stalker77

    Selling AJLand & Cormansion (Island)

    She is bidding because she wants a private island. She CAN make it public, but doesn't want to. She doesn't need to work on Bunny.