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  1. Lemonss

    Pedestal Glitch

  2. Lemonss

    Case Closed jnwchiro broke a rule in our fight (broke a contract)

    1. Who are you accusing? 2. What are your claims/accusations? 3. Any additional proof you can provide us? Might want to use the format while making this court case, and add maybe how much of the money and specifics you are trying to sue from him.
  3. Lemonss

    Pedestal Glitch

    Username: Lemonss What you were doing before this occurred: Went to enchant a book, when I tp'ed I accidentally right-clicked a pedestal on my altar and then I right clicked again right away to take my sword off it and it went poof What you've lost (Only if you lost something): Diamond sword w/...
  4. Lemonss

    Questions About Owning Islands

    Its your island, make it how you want and make it good. You can require players to re-do houses and set city standards on your island (aka houses to be all modern, houses all old style, houses all victorian ect) You must ask staff to put plots on your island up for sale Islands tend to be fun if...
  5. Lemonss

    Ads on Website

    you have a virus on your computer which pops up on random things to send you ads. Its not bad and you shouldnt be in bad trouble, just causes ads to come up. Google "How to remove popup virus" and you should be all set
  6. Lemonss

    The last will and testemant of enderport

    Just pretend i dont exist, okay.
  7. Lemonss


    To add to this, a bounty system would be nice, where I can set a bounty on a player and such
  8. Lemonss

    Bank System

    but then comes the issue, what if a player buys a home for a down payment of 30k and owes say 100k but they go dead and dont log on or dont make the money, what would happen?
  9. Lemonss

    Police Application

    Doesnt seem you saw the police guide lol..
  10. Lemonss

    Case Closed Suing BleachedJabu

    This situation can be looked at many different ways. When you add someone to your home, you have the right to do whatever you'd like, as you manually trusted them. It might be against moral and friends, but you trusted them and its your fault. To further prove this, the new /unlock allows...
  11. Lemonss

    My police Application!

    Ciel is the minister now just so you guys know
  12. Lemonss

    Denied police officer

    Again, refer to my other post on your other thread. Please avoid creating double threads.
  13. Lemonss

    Denied Police

    Please use the format included in order to apply for police. It is great you have helped others but that isint the requirements for police rank.
  14. Lemonss

    My police Application!

    Again, I have seen you with drugs on you, as well as kill innocent people. Regardless killing is killing
  15. Lemonss

    My police Application!

    Jo, please fix up your "Criminal Record", you, for the most part get 1 kill minimum a day, and tend to have drugs every once in a while. Do not lie in your application, as it will hurt your chances.
  16. Lemonss

    GoFundMe for Laggy!

    This GoFundMe is ending soon! Please donate as you can as fast as possible, also please suggest ideas for things to give laggynab! Thanks!
  17. Lemonss

    GoFundMe for Laggy!

    Thanks to all of you who have donated and given your support. We, as a community have collected more money than I ever expected, and i am proud to be a part of this awesome Non-profit fundraiser. Keep it up!
  18. Lemonss

    GoFundMe for Laggy!

    Thank you for the mansion donation, but it would be beneficial to have money, so if you could sell the mansion, it would be very helpful for better purchases. If you cannot, the mansion will do
  19. Lemonss

    GoFundMe for Laggy!

    you are too nice and always give away your items, it is only fair we give back to you
  20. Lemonss

    GoFundMe for Laggy!

    Hello McCities residents! Recently, one of our greatest members, Laggynab has been in struggling times. As many members of the community can agree, Laggynab is one of the nicest and best players in game. As a result, I have decided to create a GoFundMe for Laggynab. These funds raised will...