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  1. ThatOneGuy4205

    Case Closed Case against NitronicEx

    1. Who are you accusing?: @NitronicEx (I don't think they have a forums account unless it's under a different name) 2. What are your claims/accusations? I wanted to see Nitronic's farm literally just because I wanted to see one working as, to the best of my knowledge, I've never seem a...
  2. ThatOneGuy4205

    Gonna try and save as much money as I can for quite a while, I seriously just want to move out...

    Gonna try and save as much money as I can for quite a while, I seriously just want to move out from where I currently live at my parents house
  3. ThatOneGuy4205

    Seriously can't wait until the weekend as I'm playing at a metal show on Saturday then going to...

    Seriously can't wait until the weekend as I'm playing at a metal show on Saturday then going to another one on Sunday, safe to say I probably won't be online over that time unless I have wifi at the hotel I'll be staying at
  4. ThatOneGuy4205

    Even after only 2 days working in this kind of job I completely understand why most people my...

    Even after only 2 days working in this kind of job I completely understand why most people my age sleep as much as they do
  5. ThatOneGuy4205

    With my new job starting tomorrow I probably won't be online as much as I'd like to be, maybe...

    With my new job starting tomorrow I probably won't be online as much as I'd like to be, maybe evenings and some weekends but I'll try to come online as much as I can
  6. ThatOneGuy4205

    Proud to say I finally have a job :D

    Proud to say I finally have a job :D
  7. ThatOneGuy4205

    Introducing - Mccities Statistics

    This certainly looks interesting to say the least. Maybe eventually you could add a command to check how many times a certain player has killed/been killed, the total amount of money a player has earned/spent although I don't know how that could be implemented, but could prove interesting...
  8. ThatOneGuy4205

    Hmm, I've never thought of it in that way before but that's definitely an interesting take on it

    Hmm, I've never thought of it in that way before but that's definitely an interesting take on it
  9. ThatOneGuy4205

    There are definitely players currently active on the server that literally reek of toxicity and...

    There are definitely players currently active on the server that literally reek of toxicity and you can sense it a mile away, especially when all they do is brag about what they own and attempt to kill random players all while arguing about tiny matters that, well, shouldn't and don't matter
  10. ThatOneGuy4205

    A few days? In the UK kids don't go back to to school til nearly mid September

    A few days? In the UK kids don't go back to to school til nearly mid September
  11. ThatOneGuy4205

    Kinda tempted to apply for staff when applications are open again, nearly 2 years since I last...

    Kinda tempted to apply for staff when applications are open again, nearly 2 years since I last applied I think xD
  12. ThatOneGuy4205

    Leaving for a month (possibly more)

    Hope to see you back again soon, have fun :D
  13. ThatOneGuy4205

    2 year re-welcome

    Hey all! For those that haven't seen anything about me I'm Josh, 20 years old twice-failed university student currently in the process of wondering wtf I'm doing with my life. I've been on the server for just over 2 years as I joined on July 11th 2017 however I've had quite a lot of breaks...
  14. ThatOneGuy4205

    Denied Transfer request

    Username: ThatOneGuy4205 Creative plot: 5 City plot you want the build moved to: h624 There are 2 basements, the first one contains an enchanting table and a bedroom area and the second one is a chest storage area
  15. ThatOneGuy4205

    It's seriously depressing that I don't have 95% of the stuff I had before I left, stuff...

    It's seriously depressing that I don't have 95% of the stuff I had before I left, stuff including rare items and a crap ton of heads that are now probably worth a ton of money, but things happen I guess
  16. ThatOneGuy4205

    Well damn it's been a while, yesterday was my 2 year anniversary of first coming onto McCities...

    Well damn it's been a while, yesterday was my 2 year anniversary of first coming onto McCities and I'm tempted to start coming online more often again, gonna see how things go online today then see what happens from there
  17. ThatOneGuy4205

    Mccities- A Major Problem Part 1

    If someone has one of more big-sized mansions then it's highly unlikely that they're going to want to sell it especially if they've owned it for a long time as that adds a sentimental factor into the whole thing. But equally distributing mansions? Not a chance. Players haven't worked hard for...
  18. ThatOneGuy4205

    Came online for a bit, remembered that I gave away literally everything of value I owned and...

    Came online for a bit, remembered that I gave away literally everything of value I owned and instantly logged out again xD
  19. ThatOneGuy4205

    Anything interesting happened lately?

    Anything interesting happened lately?
  20. ThatOneGuy4205

    If you didn't know already its my 20th birthday today

    If you didn't know already its my 20th birthday today