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  1. ThatOneGuy4205

    Leaving the server (and I actually mean it this time)

    I've failed it for the 2nd time so that probably won't happen again for a while, but thank you so much < 3
  2. ThatOneGuy4205

    Leaving the server (and I actually mean it this time)

    I definitely agree with that, I'll still be active on the forums for a while until I get bored of it but idk what that will be lmao, but thank you for the kind words
  3. ThatOneGuy4205

    Leaving the server (and I actually mean it this time)

    I can see the people in group chats already going "Josh has made 16 million posts like this before, it can't be real this time REEEEEEE" Unfortunately, this time I'm leaving and this time I'm leaving for good I'm nearly 20 years old and have played Minecraft near enough religiously since I was...
  4. ThatOneGuy4205

    Time does pass by fairly fast when you've failed education YET AGAIN and now need to look for a job

    Time does pass by fairly fast when you've failed education YET AGAIN and now need to look for a job
  5. ThatOneGuy4205

    Probably should come online at somepoint, idk tho

    Probably should come online at somepoint, idk tho
  6. ThatOneGuy4205

    Just overheard that one of my good friends from the pub I go to has sadly passed away, literally...

    Just overheard that one of my good friends from the pub I go to has sadly passed away, literally don't what to do anymore
  7. ThatOneGuy4205

    Metro Way

    Technically there is a section of an underground train near the bank although it currently doesn't really serve any purpose. It does have chests that a few years ago had items inside dotted around the place that players had to find, but seeing it extended to cover a wider area would be cool...
  8. ThatOneGuy4205

    Goodbye Lovelys... This Is My 3 Year Rewind Video *THANK YOU SO MUCH* || @Laurel

    You've always been one of the nicest players I've ever had the pleasure of playing with and talking to, the constant positivity radiating from you is something I definitely like to see in a player. We'll all hugely miss you :)
  9. ThatOneGuy4205

    So going out last night for new year's was a mistake, spent most of what little money I have and...

    So going out last night for new year's was a mistake, spent most of what little money I have and feel very ill with a ton of work still to do including continuing writing an EP for my music project, H E L P
  10. ThatOneGuy4205

    Im Quitting MCC

    It was nice to have you on the server and to talk with you sometimes, good luck in whatever you decide to do next :)
  11. ThatOneGuy4205

    End of another year

    Gonna be in the pub most of the day today so I'd thought I'd write this while I still remember to 2018 has probably been one of the worst years I've had so far with everything that's happened this year (a lot really isn't appropriate for posting so I'll leave them out) I've failed university...
  12. ThatOneGuy4205

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to you too :D
  13. ThatOneGuy4205

    Merry Christmas

    I'll try not to pass out xD but my sister got 3 bottles of wine and a small gin AND SHE'S YOUNGER THAN I AM XD
  14. ThatOneGuy4205

    Merry Christmas

    Just thought I'd say Merry Christmas to everyone, probably won't be online for the next couple of days due to a lot of food, slight amounts of beer and a lot of sleep xD Take it easy
  15. ThatOneGuy4205

    Keep it Fair?

    In all fairness the house you build is semi-modern looking, but it's because of the fact it's mostly built from sandstone and bricks that it was denied instead of modern-looking/modern style material such as concrete, quartz, terracotta and the like. You could incorporate, where possible...
  16. ThatOneGuy4205

    Win an Apartment! Another Give Away from knight3000 Real Estate Group!

    Ign: ThatOneGuy4205 Worth a shot
  17. ThatOneGuy4205

    Me: "finished university work, can finally relax" My body: "NOOOOPE YOU'VE GOT FOOD POISONING...

    Me: "finished university work, can finally relax" My body: "NOOOOPE YOU'VE GOT FOOD POISONING AND RIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS TOO"
  18. ThatOneGuy4205

    Case Closed Court case against MagicalPanguin and SilverNinja_

    Not to interrupt anything here, but if you venture into a pvp-enabled zone then there's nothing stopping other players from killing you, unless you're in a gang with another player or group of players in which case they can't attack you but other players still can. I'd recommend doing what Lava...
  19. ThatOneGuy4205

    It's not that who I'm talking about (no names will be mentioned) was unfairly banned but the...

    It's not that who I'm talking about (no names will be mentioned) was unfairly banned but the language that the particular staff member used after explaining why the player was banned was a little bit antagonising. Just wanted to say what I said when I saw it, no harm intended to anyone
  20. ThatOneGuy4205

    "staff get disrespected in game chat by a player" "staff disrespects that same player when...

    "staff get disrespected in game chat by a player" "staff disrespects that same player when explaining the reason for their ban" wtf