Search results

  1. shroomchi

    Completed transfer

    Done. Charged $8,000.
  2. shroomchi

    Grappling hook not working

    If you're using the standard grappling hook by itself it drops in the location it's been shot at. But like Dope said ^ if it's not shooting then fire a bow and it will come back. If you're using a multi-tool make sure the tool is charged as it is not charged once you craft it.
  3. shroomchi

    Case Closed Very mean person ill sue for 1m compensation

    I plead insanity. Case closed.
  4. shroomchi

    Selling Auction for juneaumansion

    Tango is the winner at 5m. Congrats.
  5. shroomchi

    Lost Item

    Unfortunately, it could not be found. A replacement has been given.
  6. shroomchi

    Completed City to creative

  7. shroomchi

    regioned incorrectly

  8. shroomchi

    Selling Auction for juneaumansion

    No trades, sorry.
  9. shroomchi

    Selling Auction for juneaumansion

    No mess no fuss Highest offer wins Ends January 3rd you can do /find juneaumansion to have a look around
  10. shroomchi

    Admin made things awkward

    Closing thread.
  11. shroomchi

    Completed City to Creative

  12. shroomchi

    Completed city to creaitve

    Bit of a tricky region. Let me know if you need any more assistance with the area. Moved to your plot home 1
  13. shroomchi

    Completed Creative to city

    Done. Charged $10,000.
  14. shroomchi

    Completed City To Creative

  15. shroomchi

    Completed Creative Basement Clear

  16. shroomchi

    Completed Transfer from Creative to City

    Done. Charged $8000
  17. shroomchi

    Completed Creative To Survival

    Done. Charged $8,000.
  18. shroomchi

    Completed Creative to City

    Done. Charged $15,000.
  19. shroomchi

    Completed Arch to city ^-^

    Done. Charged $10,000.
  20. shroomchi

    Completed Transfer from Creative to City

    Please add more to the interior. Will leave thread open so respond when you have done so.