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  1. Bellaa

    Inactivity + Quit Consideration

    NoOoOoOoOoOoOoO me and mom will be all alone on Christmas!!!!!! oooffff gl in life father, i see you on disc D: wehguia
  2. Bellaa

    Denied Tuliao's Teacher app :D

    gl!! :D
  3. Bellaa


    !!!!DAS MY MOTHER RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!!
  4. Bellaa

    @[3043:@xXAtomic_SushiXx] .......xD

    @[3043:@xXAtomic_SushiXx] .......xD
  5. Bellaa

    @[1921:@Gabriel] no she doesn't and i'm on her account because i don't have on and since my...

    @[1921:@Gabriel] no she doesn't and i'm on her account because i don't have on and since my sister has one my mom won't let me get one xD
  6. Bellaa

    aww thank you @[1842:@Naomi_Plays] :D

    aww thank you @[1842:@Naomi_Plays] :D
  7. Bellaa

    Hey BBs (late hehe)

    heyy jabs is canadian, 3 canadians right here @Ena @DarkEmeraldXD @Jabu xD ok im leaving But welcome to the server xD if you have any questions always feel free to ask :D xD
  8. Bellaa

    I think my sister got me sick, my throat hurts. Ughh!

    I think my sister got me sick, my throat hurts. Ughh!
  9. Bellaa

    Apply for KickAN MatchMaking Service!

    oof sorry xD just realised how old this thread is xD
  10. Bellaa

    Apply for KickAN MatchMaking Service!

    1. What job position are you applying for?: I am applying for receptionist. 2.What is you ign?: My ign is DarkEmeraldXD 3. How often are you online?: i'm online 60% of the week because i'm at my dads the other 40% but when i'm online i'm online for most of the day xD 4. do you have any...
  11. Bellaa

    KickAN MatchMakers Service

    *preach* xD
  12. Bellaa

    oi oi! im an active memebr now! yay :D xD

    oi oi! im an active memebr now! yay :D xD
  13. Bellaa

    nuuu me bestie is sicckk D: xD

    nuuu me bestie is sicckk D: xD
  14. Bellaa

    Add parrots to the pet store

    yes please!! oommgg!!
  15. Bellaa

    recruiting people for my musical!

    Owner 2 and arch 1 are taken
  16. Bellaa

    recruiting people for my musical!

    I am putting on a musical about the history of mcCities! it is 2 short songs because it would be hard to memorize a big long musical xD the songs are about the arch abuse and the owner wars. Application format. In-Game name: Character you want to play: Are you good at memorizing lines: Why you...
  17. Bellaa

    Inactivity + quit consideration. :(

    awww ena!! ily please dont leave meh but in the end its your decision! i can always have your parrot if you need someone to take care of it :D I wil never forget youu!! Gl in life and i wish you the best <3
  18. Bellaa

    The final goodbyes xD This was a slightly sad situation not gonna lie xD
  19. Bellaa

    DarkEmeraldXd's Transfer Request

    Username: DarkEmeraldXD Creative plot: The creative plot I want transferred is 5. City plot you want the build moved to: The city plot I want it moved to is Potato1 The build is a small mostly quartz modern build 2 story's and one floor down. thank You for your time :D