Search results

  1. Marie

    Completed Transfer

    Username: itsmarie arch plot: 4 City plot you want the build moved to: h624. (itzkourtney) please take the money out of her! When u spawn into my arch plot its the tiny plot all the way to the left
  2. Marie

    Completed transfer

    Username: Itsmarie Arch plot: 4 City plot you want the build moved to: I need amh35 moved to my arch plot so I can deco it :D take the money out of xxironfistxx
  3. Marie

    Wifi Skit!

    So I made a skit and if you would like to be in the next one I make hmu ;)
  4. Marie

    Players who come on just to save their plots.

    There is some people that come on mccities every 2 months just to "save" their plots but they never play so a lot of the plots in mccities are just inactive players. So I was thinking maybe it should be a rule that it shouldn't be allowed? or something like that because its really annoying for...
  5. Marie

    /fart Command

    YES I KNOW I MADE THIS BEFORE and this needs to be brought back up because this is a wonderful idea! basically so if your with just 1 other person it would say "ItsMarie farted on you.. eww!" Or if its in a group of people it could say "ItsMarie just farted in front of everyone.. eww!" or...
  6. Marie

    Completed transfferr

    Username: ItsMarie Arch plot: 4 City plot you want the build moved to: I need sky56 to be moved to my arch plot so I can finish it for death
  7. Marie

    Completed Transfer

    Username: ItsMarie Arch plot: 4 City plot you want the build moved to: a100 the one on the right of uni's house (suburban one)
  8. Marie

    Completed Transferring a plot! <3

    Username ItsMarie Arch plot: 4 (the one on that has cars on it) City plot you want the build moved to: Urbanhouse4 This house is for uni please go all the way to bedrock for the basement
  9. Marie

    Resolved my house accidentally went on for sale

    Username: itsmarie What you were doing before this occurred: running from the police and I was trying to put my house no on forsake anymore What you've lost sundae22 had to buy it since I was in jail and it was 100k
  10. Marie

    RunnerBro Elections: ItsMarie :)

    Yea you're probably wondering why me of all people would want to run for mayor?? Well you see I'm really kind hearted and I'm very active and I love helping others out! I can help with builds on the island and any other building things ya'll might need! I would also not spend much money on the...
  11. Marie

    Completed transfer

    username: itsmarie arch plot: 4 (all the way in the back) city plot: balisky1 Its the black or brown stained clay skyscraper
  12. Marie

    Completed Transfer

    Username: Itsmarie Creative plot: 2 (its the drug shop brick) City plot you want the build moved to: h369 (eve's plot I have permission :D)
  13. Marie

    Completed Transfer

    Username: ItsMarie Arch Plot: 1, Its the brick suburban one, 53 x 49 City plot you want the build moved to: go-mansion-05 (its Gj's plot and she gave me permission to transfer it)
  14. Marie

    Sydney in the urban Dictionary...

    is this even true?? XD there was no SydneyMarie so I mean dis is as close as I can get lol Sydney is generally a beautiful, nice, spontaneous girl. she is usually quiet and shy, but around her friends she is outgoing. friends go to her for advice, because she knows what she is talking about...
  15. Marie

    Accepted ItsMarie

    Your current in game name: ItsMarie Do you have Skype? (Yes or no only; we have an arch chat to discuss projects and builds as a team): Yes I have Skype o3o Which of your creative plots would you like to submit? (Example, you have 5 plots but you think your 3rd is the best. You get there with...
  16. Marie

    Completed transfer

    Username: Itsmarie Creative plot: its on my friends (she gave me permission) Blu3skyler the plot ID is -23;-44 City plot you want the build moved to: I need the plot minimansion1 (which is my friend death_inferno360's plot) Which I'm decorating) to be moved to blu3sklyers plot I had no idea how...
  17. Marie

  18. Marie


    well now that I got your undivided attention how the hell do you say Prescott. pres-kit or pres-cott its a city in Arizona and everyone says it differently, so WATS THE RIGHT WAY TO SAY IT. I need help
  19. Marie

    very important.

    SIKEeeE k so tacos? burritos? or nachos?
  20. Marie

    new Kim Kardashian