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  1. Marie

    Would like some feedback!

    Today I built a modern mansion that was made to be unique and to build out of my comfort zone, and I want to see if anyone could give me some tips on how to make my builds better!
  2. Marie

    Completed Transfer

    Username: Itsmarie Creative plot: 2 City plot you want the build moved to: andehouse-7 ( black stained cay and quartz )
  3. Marie

    Completed transfer!

    Username: itsmarie Creative plot: 2 City plot you want the build moved to: mmh20 ( the quartz and oak one just those materials )
  4. Marie

    Completed transfer <3

    Username: Itsmarie Creative plot: 2 City plot you want the build moved to: bunnyears8
  5. Marie

    marie, day 8 & 9

    day 8: 5 turn offs as a friend 1. Lying to me 2. Lying about your age 3. Being annoying 4. saying your ugly xD 5. NOT pLAyinG minEcRAfT WiTh mE (irl people not in game) Day 9: 5 things that make you smile! 1. Snxggles 2. Ingame friends! (too many to count) 3. beautiful nails 4. getting hugs...
  6. Marie

    marie, day 7 ! iskippedone (10 pet peeves)

    DISCLAIMER: if any of this is going to someone its going to someone not 2 just 1. its not you I swear <3 but its prob one of you. :D 10 PET PEEVES I HAVE 1. When people write in a font/COLOR and you can't read it, like please save my eyes. 2. When people are over protective about their...
  7. Marie

    Marie:day 6 :v

    uhm 5 things u have never done: 1.had my first kiss 2. I have never ate broccoli 3. Never slept on a boat? 4. Never had my hair grow past my butt 5. Never in my life have lost a game of hide and seek :> fear me
  8. Marie

    mariee: 10 day challenge day 5

    ( I accidentally skipped a day ) 10 ways to win ur heart: 1.Be kind 2.Funny/ have a sense of humor 3.Care about me 4.Be a friend of mine 5.sensitive and sweet to me when times are rough about what I say 8.Understand me 9. Do things with me 10. And do thing I like to do! ( I...
  9. Marie

    10 day challenge day 4

    10 things that cross your mind: 1. am I going to be made fun of today? 2. do I have to wakeup 3. my bffls! :D snxggles rasqberry delicatebean and daniiellaa 4. when am I getting my nails done again they look like trash 5. when I'm I gonna get my glo up xD 6. when is my application gonna be...
  10. Marie

    Marie's 10 day challenge day 3: :DD

    post a picture of you from a year ago ( I am the one on the right)
  11. Marie

    marie's 10 day challenge! day: 2

    (just a heads up, I'm not lying about anything or making a joke about anything so just reframe from saying I'm lying or joking, because I'm not.) 10 Things About Yourself: 1.I really like walrus. favorite color is grey/back 3.I have cancer (I have had it since age 2) 4.My natural hair is...
  12. Marie

    10 day challenge for Marie

    hAi im sydneymariee and I'm copying Lauren but not with bright colors!! lmAO love u grandma. :> Day 1: Ten Things You Want To Say To Ten Different People Right Now 1. Dear... MYself stop being sosad all the time LIKE COME ON SELF. be the happy walrus. (when ur not ever happy, hello darkness my...
  13. Marie

    Marie's face reveal (cuz why not)

    totally didn't copy bffl bean. cough cough
  14. Marie

    Completed Transferring a plot! <3

    Username: mariewalrus Creative plot: 2 (it is a brick house with a stone brick roof. City plot you want the build moved to: farm1
  15. Marie

    Completed transfer request!

    Username: mariewalrus Creative plot: 3 City plot you want the build moved to: expomansion2 I got Chu da money. ( its the modern house build not the weird mountain thing )
  16. Marie

    rip Joey and leanne <3

    Joey and leanne are leaving the server, probably for good. we all love them and sad to see them go :( by by grandma and grandpa (in law). Joey and leanne we're my favorite staff they always listened to my stupid helpme's even though they knew I only tried to get their attention so they could...
  17. Marie

    able to fart in game !

    HaI, Snxggles & I think it would be a gReAT idea if you we're able to fart in the server, using the F key. Imagine eating a burrito like in real life.. Then having some nasty gas. Oka¥ TMI but I think the server would have fun with the a command such as /fart or pressing F on the key board xD
  18. Marie

    I got a new hamster <3

    I named mai new hammy noodle :D
  19. Marie

    HI its marIE <3

    In game name: Mariewalrus Joined on: somewhere in the summa. How I found da server: I was looking for city servers cuz I loVE CiTies :D Favorite Memory: playing Minecraft at my birthday like a total nerd. lawl. About me : HAi Im marie walroooos and idk why I'm doiNG dis buT otay <3. im in...
  20. Marie

    Denied Architect Application - Mariewalrus

    ignore this Im not getting NOTificationss itaegnirthugref