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  1. ItzJazzMade


    So its snowing on Mccities but how the hell are we going to clear out all that snow? Well here is my idea. If you rightclick snow you make snowballs of it and the snow disapears. This way you can get rid of snow and this would also be active on plots not yours. or maybe on a magic way set...
  2. ItzJazzMade

    Tell Me The TRUTH!

    Guys this is a fun game, instead of the other games on the forums that are just complete spam. The idea is that I posted this thread and I gave the first person to respond on this thread the persmission to ask me a question. EVERY question is allowed! Then I will awnser the question and the...
  3. ItzJazzMade

    Accepted ItzJazzMade (Better version)

    1. What is your Minecraft username (ign)? ItzJazzMade 2. What subjects do you want to teach? (list 2 - 3 subjects that aren't taken and relates to Minecraft) I would love to teach Sociology & Literature where I teach different ways to lead an Island or company, how to write and read books...
  4. ItzJazzMade


    This server has a lot to do with the economy so people buy and create stuff to make monney. Sharing Islands and making huge deals are also an part of the game but making an contract is way to complicated. So here's my suggestion: Make an new topic called Contracts where people will post their...
  5. ItzJazzMade

    What do you think about this picture?

    Hey everyone in The Netherlands (Where I'm from) there is an big debate about wheater this is tradition is racism or not. I was curious how people from other country's would think about this 'tradition' so thats why I am asking! You can start an discussion in the comments and I will awnsers...
  6. ItzJazzMade

    Just so you know (DoctersTest)

    Okay so manny people fail the docters test and then they ask in chat for the awnsers. I never realised how manny people fail but when i googled mccities i saw the most searched questions were awnsers for the docters exams i laughed soo hard!! So the point is in guides younfind docter guide and...
  7. ItzJazzMade

    Economy idea's

    Hellow guys, Id you have been on the forums for more then 2 days you have seen the manny posts about the fact that the economy is 'bad' and we need more or less off stuff. I am making this post ti give idea's to players and to the staff because i really like economics and i would not want to...
  8. ItzJazzMade

    Animal Shop Bad Informated

    Player Name: ItzJazzMade What was i doing? I was trying to make an underground farm and thougth by myself lets buy some animals so i can make more food. Lost Items: I went to the animal shop to buy some animal eggs i thougt for 1k for 1 egg but it was 10k and i don't know why but i only got 3...
  9. ItzJazzMade

    Completed Region Delete

    Player name: ItzJazzMade Plot Name: Building-1 Request: Can you maybe delete all my regions on the plot Building-1? There some mayor issue's on the regions like not being able to rent them and edit my regions so i ask you to deleate them and then i will do it again thanks,
  10. ItzJazzMade

    Regioning Problems

    ItzJazzMade CityPlot: Building-1 Problem: I recently bought this apartment building. But when i wanted to edit my windows and clear the apartment up i could not do this on serveral floors. (See under here a list of edit problems) So i thought maybe if i rent my own places i can place the...