Search results

  1. ItzJazzMade

    Completed Multiple Transfer requests :O

    MadRhapsody: FROM: Creative plot 1, the big brick building TO: Ad2 Only made some minor interior edits and fixed some broken blocks :) UNDEADLAND: REGION: whiterock-2 TO: Cörds: 707X 2459Z The're signs telling you where the region should be placed, the region has to be moved. We have...
  2. ItzJazzMade

    Case Closed Court Case on Goldenmansion

    In Game Name is MadRaphsody :) I'm accusing @Individuall for unfair ruling and possibly even biased ruling on the Auction of Goldenmansion. Proof (Oh boy, get some popcorn): So at the end of the auction, 22 November, I dropped my bid from 15m to 11.5m. We overbid to scare away any potential...
  3. ItzJazzMade

    [TAP] A Guide for Loans

    Dear players of McCities We of the Tap had some doubts if we needed to make this guide, as not many courtcases had appeared on the topic of loans for quite a while, but recently around 5 court cases have been made some of wich are still ongoing. This is why we decided to create a simple guide to...
  4. ItzJazzMade

    Completed Survival -> Creative

    The plot is Ad2 it's mine :D I need to do some interior edits and all. Wish to have to transfered to my creative 1 plot. There should be enough space, otherwise you can remove any of the smaller houses on the plot :D thanks in advance Ms Icecream
  5. ItzJazzMade

    Denied MadRhapsody's Teacher app!

    ------ What is your in game name? MadRhapsody What is your rank on the server? Millionair, if I dare to take my money off my /bank :O What timezone are you in? (Important for planning school) CET, Mostly online at nights or mornings. Why do you want to become a teacher? I want to...
  6. ItzJazzMade

    Toxic Awareness Program [TAP]

    Welcome to TAP Toxic Awareness Program! Here we will be announcing the start of the new project to make this community more open for new players and more fun for the old ones! We have a detailed plan made to make the chats of this server less toxic and more welcomming. We want to spread...
  7. ItzJazzMade

    /adopt. A simple but usefull plugin

    Hi folks a suggestion for an entirely new command set. /adopt has been suggested many times. But I think it really should have been added and maybe even worked out well. So I made a list of ideas for the /adopt command that would add roleplay and make it usefull too! /adopt player (easy, adopt...
  8. ItzJazzMade

    1 year of dissapointing

    Dear reader, I JstarvideoYT, ItzJazzMade, MadRhapsody, have been here for 1 year now! With a playtime of 24 days (wich is not as much as you would expect) I should have done and achieved a lot around here not? Well, no.... Instead of making a thank you list and telling how happy I am here, Imma...
  9. ItzJazzMade

    Denied MadRhapsody's Secretary app

    What is your in game name? MadRhapsody What is your rank on the server? Multi-dulti-millionair What timezone are you in? (Important for planning school) I am in CET, but I hope that as a secretary I can help planning school and events behind the scenes, (as most classes are given at 12am my...
  10. ItzJazzMade

    Can't become SrDoc or Bio

    Hellow fellow citizens of Cities :D So now if you take the SrDoc exam with 2 jobs you don't get the job. I as a lv 25 miner am not planning to leave that job and such have 1 job space left. Only can I not become a biologist because you need to be SrDoc. To become SrDoc you need to become a...
  11. ItzJazzMade

    Best Suggestions of 2018ish

    Dear players of Cities, we as a community have come up with many original ideas to make the server better or more fun. Sadly sometimes these ideas get forgotten, there is no work put into them or they are simply ignored. That is why I have mad a list of good suggestions over time with a little...
  12. ItzJazzMade

    A Guide To..! New Book Series!

    Hello dear readers and thanks for reading this short, but really important post! I love writing! It's just awesome, what I also love is helping players! So I was thinking, why not combine both? So I did! I started a new book series called: A Guide To.. This series will include many big topics...
  13. ItzJazzMade

    Bday Party!!!! (MUST READ)

    It's My Bday!!!! And we will CELEBRATE! Were going all out this time :D It's my first bday party that I want to celebrate on a server, so lets do it right! :D Oke, Lets speak some deatails, (Jesus the colours above irritate me) The party will be on 3 september somwhere around 9pm My time...
  14. ItzJazzMade

    The Event Island

    The Event Island sounds great already So, another suggestion, honestly I have made the most suggestions for the past few months. Reason? Cuz staff is starting to ignore me (wich i totally understand) All goofyness aside, I do want to make a fun suggestion for this server and think it can...
  15. ItzJazzMade

    Wow So Long

    Oh my, I will be gone for long, I can take it I guess? So tueseday I will go on holliday for about 4,5 weeks, I will still be active on Discord and Forums, and may join on Minechat for a bit, but it costs a lot of mb's etc etc. I will miss playing at night and I will officially return after...
  16. ItzJazzMade

    Resolved It's that time of the year again...

    Actually that time of the day Hi, I changed my ign to MadHatter so be carefull not to give my clone my items :O All the broken sf items are in the chest if you teleport to amh23 (my house) The Ovens are Electric ore Grinders tier I The Blue Glass are Dust Washers Tier II The Brown...
  17. ItzJazzMade

    My (Fake) Life

    So it hits me that anyone here can make up anything they want. Males can be females and the other way around. Names, age personality. All different. So I want to go and play with this. In fact I am creating personalities every now and them and tell a story about their life, day or dreams. This...
  18. ItzJazzMade

    Some Suggestions to make the server even better

    So I have been playing for quite some time and mutliple ideas have come to my mind. I have shared many at the Event Ideas post from Leanne, but I'm not quite finished ;) 1. /parrot drop command to drop your parrots in the city. Would really help out as there multiple kinds of parrots and you...
  19. ItzJazzMade

    Survival --> Creative

    ItzJazzMade (Hi :) Amh10 to My Creative plot 1 (There's enough space :D Just for some interior edit! Thanks a lot!
  20. ItzJazzMade

    7 days.

    Heya! Im going on a holliday for 7 days to greece! Dont track me down and murder me pls. I'm still active on the forums and on Discord so see ya all! Normally I dont do such posts but its quite some time and I was vey active lately... so yeah Bye ;) have a great week or holliday all depends!