IGN: _Shiba_
Name of plot: nmall-1
Is it on an island: No
At first I broke these blocks in the region, but can't place it back. I can assume it's part of the mall and would like to fill up that hole.
Who am I accusing: Hetnai
What are your claims/accusations: Got into my plot and stole a lot of stuff
Proof: (Down below)
I actually considered not to sue him but I am suspicious about him somehow glitching into my plot. The only exits for this plot (H550) are an elevator, which i disabled by...
When I first started the game I nearly got banned for disoeying rules not listed in the Rule Guidelines. That really confused me.
So if you may can we please have an updated rules guidelines for the server.
1. Who are you accusing? Unforgettable__
2. What are your claims/accusations? (suspectedly) Scammed me 100k in a trade
3. Any additional proof you can provide us? 3 links below
Username: _Shiba_
List of broken items: 4 broken tier 2 freezers
Screenshots of tiered items (as proof if applicable): don't have a photo of proof, but the broken freezers are untouched in the basement of H550. I can show you around on which one's are broken
Coordinates of chest containing...
Username: _Shiba_
Creative plot: 15;40
City plot you want the build to be moved to: hillhouse2
I just wanna renew the house cuz it looks like a battlefield right now. Just transfer the house at where it was originally, thanks :D
1. Who are you accusing? Dangel342
2. What are your claims/accusations? Stole a bunch of stuff in my house after he tped to me
3. Any additional proof you can provide us? Some screenshots from Smilinq
I believe he did a /sethome and stole from my house twice. The first time is when he was...
If there is a fishing challenge, why not a parkour challenge.
Someone held a parkour challenge before and got a lot of attention, a couple of mods held a parkour challenge at warp bank and everyone loved it.
Why not a parkour challenge. Maybe a 10 minute parkour every 2-3 hours or so, first...
Username: _Shiba_
What you were doing before this occurred: Building a slimefun machine
What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happenedI found out that solar panels don't work in my plot
Location: Cayman H550
So recently, I finished my sf machinary and decided to power it using a...
Player name: _Shiba_
Creative plot:
City plot you want the build to be moved to: H550
I didn't really change the exterior of the building, just added some basements below it.
It would be the best to move back the building to it's original place. Thanks.
Username: _Shiba_ (known as P00rAF at that time)
What you were doing before this occurred: I'm chilling at my friend's mansion
What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happened: I lost my helmet. So it was around 12:50 EST on Febraury 9th or 10th (i forgot) when I decided to put my...
Who are you accusing? xxM0nkeyxx
What are your claims/accusations? Lied about giving money back
Any additional proof you can provide us?
POk here's a better description. So I was tracking random people for kills and I stumbled across xxM0nkeyxx. I then killed him and he kept begging to get his...
We can't pvp anymore because we are afraid of being combat tagged before timing out. My friend lost 4.2 million to someone because he was combat tagged before he timed out. I also have issues with that and died about 7-8 times. Apart from that, I got timed out during the fishing competition and...
Alright, so yesterday I raided someone else's region, broke into it (with a shotgun), and killed that guy. When he did /back I killed him again. He complained I was tp-killing, but does it even count as a tp-kill?
Username: P00rAF(known as Lateshisna_738 when I reported it)
What you were doing before this occurred: Writing a book (on a Book and Quill)
What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happened: Server kicked me out, saying that the book was too large
Location: /warp city (x=571 y=121...