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  1. ayylmfao


    for all the haters
  2. ayylmfao

    off topic thread

    Ayylmfao ok whats ur fav song
  3. ayylmfao

    Why not

  4. ayylmfao

    jays 10 day challenge day 5

    6 things i wish ive never done (on minecraft) 1. Glitch abuse on mccities (i got banned for it pls no ban kthx) 2. Met @Rykoh (jk) All i can think of kthx
  5. ayylmfao

    Jays 10 day challenge day 4 why do i do this to myself.

    7 things that cross ur mind a lot 1. why i quit mccities lol 2. hmmmmm @Rykoh 3. Dont ask about this one but @Marie 4. PvP 5. minecraft 6. food 7. memes
  6. ayylmfao

    Oh well face reveal

    Time to become relevant I look kind of bad in this sorry click this lol
  7. ayylmfao

    Jays 10 day challenge day 3

    10 ways to win ur heart 1. good looking lol 2. money 3. memes 4. excessive amounts of nesquik 5. nice house Next five are unknown because i dont like having girlfriends kthxbye.
  8. ayylmfao


    its time to stop
  9. ayylmfao

    jays 10 day challenge day 2

    day 2 im copying lauren lol ten things about me 1. i can play guitar 2. ive been playing mccities for like 7 months lol 3. ive been on a plane 4 times lol 4. i have 2 dogs and a bird and a rabbit 5. my favourite food is probably cereal lol 6. ive never left europe 7. i met a tv show maker once...
  10. ayylmfao

    jays ten day challenge lol

    ok basically this looks fun so im doing it lol pls no hate so this is the first one i have to do 10 things you want to say to people 1. tricoh: lol ur funny and good luck with the hurricane (oh yea u 2 pegasus and all the people) 2. heather: we miss you :( 3. poppy: ur funny aswell lol 4...
  11. ayylmfao


    bye for a few months sorry to anyone i may have offended
  12. ayylmfao

    region info

    i bought oronohouse2 and i dont know the boundaries of it
  13. ayylmfao


    little less active with school but will still come on a lot lol cya
  14. ayylmfao

    auto farming/mining

    1. is an android miner a thing 2. is it qualified afk mining
  15. ayylmfao

    different ally chats

    you can do /ally chat [gang] because im not sure other allied gangs appreciate it when i spam my friend with yooooooooooooooooo
  16. ayylmfao

    Buying buying a lot of glowstone dust

    buying a looooooooot of glowstone dust msg me looking for cheap prices msg me :laugh: :barefoot: :cool: :D
  17. ayylmfao


    hi im jaypi0 i tend to argue with people a lot lol i love pvping on the server and sometimes i have a bit of money in my pocket i have friends like trump15024 gjegevey dwarflyncher mehrshadlt marshmallowsmalk cp42 TurkeyPurple um inspired by the newest trend (and cp i also dont care u were...
  18. ayylmfao

    lit poll #lowkeylit

    I copied Marsh ahahahahahahahaha I know idc tbh
  19. ayylmfao

    one day i made this

  20. ayylmfao

    bug report: burger obtained through lag spike

    name: venomousbeauty what you were doing before this occured: walking through the school what have you lost: nothing so basically i was walking through the school going down the stairs and i ate a burger but there was a lag spike at that moment so when i ate the burger i gained hunger bars but...