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  1. ayylmfao

    Oh Yeah DeadbushDave

    you think you are so strong i will fight to the death
  2. ayylmfao

    Is it possible for me to change my name on the website?

    I recently changed my name on MineCraft and I'm wondering if I can change my name on the website. Is this possible?
  3. ayylmfao

    Suing smallfry1234567 and beastboy5678

    I am writing to report on 08/02/2017 at about 2 northern time smallfry1234567 and beastboy5678 robbed my house. He took my brewery items, and some ingots that i was planning on using. The chests were unlocked, but I was told that doesn't matter. Yes, I have evidence. House ID is mmh18.
  4. ayylmfao

    Fights between Lemonss and ItzMaxyy.

    Today at about 20:00 Northern Time ItzMaxyy and Lemonss had a quarrel. I'm not going to say the topic because I know that that will only get me in trouble. So basically what happened was Maxyy was on and then Lemonss came on and then Lemonss said "Maxyy, I missed a reply from you, could've just...
  5. ayylmfao


    I am VenomousBeauty and I joined a week or two ago. See you all on McCities!
  6. ayylmfao

    The Farm

    I am writing to report that at the farm for the coordinates : X 13256.519 Y 69.93750 Z 11719.763. This particular plot of land will not let any of us farmers replant the potatoes. This isn't affected by the time of day, its just like that all day. Thank you and see you soon on McCities.