Search results

  1. zzm6899

    Farming bot turned to head D:

    Me and fvhn was trying to program the farming bot and then when we destroyed it it turned into a head plz try and find a solution to get my andriod back
  2. zzm6899

    Buying A large or medium sized house :D

    Hey just asking if anyone have a house i could buy :D my range is 0-200K But before i buy it i would need transfer my items into the house and sell my existing one for some $$$ plz tell me the plot size and quote
  3. zzm6899

    Having different ranks for house friend ownership

    Hey just thinking if we could have different ranks for house so they can be like: 1 rank: Can unlock chests and destroy blocks 2nd rank: Can destroy blocks 3rd rank: Can't destroy anything just viewing :D cause this can be a good idea since my friend who i added to my house long time ago...
  4. zzm6899

    Having 2 owners in a house

    Just thinking if we could Have 2 owners in a house cause a freidned person dosn't have the right
  5. zzm6899

    Case Closed Bounty scammed

    1. Who are you accusing? EyeOfEmber 2. What are your claims/accusations? He was selling me enchantment books and then i hit him for not giving me a book he said he would give me. he then asked to put a 30K bounty on him (i did 26k) and the second i did it he left the game 3. Any additional proof...
  6. zzm6899

    Buying Sf Electonics

    Hey buying sf regulators and capacators also other things like coal gen, elect furnace, power bench. I want to buy each one of them for under 7.5 K msg me
  7. zzm6899

    Hey people :D

    Hey guys, i have been playing for 8 months (ish) and loves investing houses :D I have no wife D: but loves to be in fights (I suck at pvp but it is still fun XD) Hope to see ya all in the server :D Any questions about me just ask freely down below XD
  8. zzm6899

    Buying House

    Buying medium sized house budget 50-60K
  9. zzm6899

    Buying Maxed diamond sword

    Buying Maxed diamond sword with sharp 5 knock 2-3 fire 2 and sweeping 3 and all the others budget 30-50K
  10. zzm6899

    Lost bh22

    Username:zzm6899 What you were doing before this occurred: selling bh22 and when i did /as sell bh22 45000 i didn't own it and lost the house plot What you've lost (Only if you lost something):bh22
  11. zzm6899

    Buying Buying House

    Buying house budget 80K
  12. zzm6899

    Buying Op armour and weapons

    Paying for overpowered Armour and sword mail me /mail send zzm6899 (messge) for price
  13. zzm6899

    Buying Wither skeleton skulls

    Please let me know the price for 2 skulls