Search results

  1. OnePunchGrill

    Completed Balisky1 Transfer Request

    Username: OnePunchGrill Creative plot: /plot home 7 (the first skyscrapper you see on your right - purple/quartz) [25x23] City plot you want the build moved to: balisky1 [25x24] Thanks as always for the hard work Izzie and the staff team :) hope you have a good one -Grill
  2. OnePunchGrill

    Completed H524 Transfer Request

    Heya, its me again, sorry for bombarding you with requests but I guess it means I'm hard at work xD As always thank you for your time staff team, you guys work so hard >,< -Grill Username: OnePunchGrill Creative plot: /plot home 1 -19;21 [37x42] City plot you want the build moved to: H524...
  3. OnePunchGrill

    Completed h366 Transfer Request

    Username: OnePunchGrill Creative plot: /plot home 7 (arch world) it's behind sky47 and in front of beach-city castle [13x10] City plot you want the build moved to: h366
  4. OnePunchGrill

    Denied Transfer Request for sky47

    Username: OnePunchGrill Creative plot: /plot home 7 (my arch plot: on the right hand side there should be a 25x23 plot marked, sky47) City plot you want the build moved to: sky47 Thank as always staff team :) hope you have a good day -Grill
  5. OnePunchGrill

    Completed OnePunchGrill's Transfer Request

    Username: OnePunchGrill Creative plot: /plot home7 [my arch plot] (it's a bit messy, but the 9x8 house should be on your right and it has a sign in front of it labeled, savanna-1) City plot you want the build moved to: savanna-1 Thanks for your time, Izzie and the staff :) -Grill
  6. OnePunchGrill

    Accepted One Punch Grill's Arch. Application

    Heya, OnePunchGrill here with my architect application :) thanks for your time. Your current in game name: OnePunchGrill Do you have Skype? (Yes or no only; we have an arch chat to discuss projects and builds as a team): Yes Which of your creative plots would you like to submit? (Example...
  7. OnePunchGrill

    Denied Grill's Transfer Request

    Username: OnePunchGrill Creative plot: home 4 (/plot home 4 or /plot visit OnePunchGrill 4) (18x14) City plot you want the build moved to: mmh1 - preferably with the front of the building (door) facing the hillside Thanks as always guys for your hard work :) See you around -Grill
  8. OnePunchGrill

    Resolved Slimefun bug

    Username: OnePunchGrill What you were doing before this occurred: So my slimefun android(miner) randomly turned into a head and stopped working. When I mined the android and picked it back up, it had turned into just a default head (like, CSCorelib's Head or something?) but still the shape of...
  9. OnePunchGrill

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: OnePunchGrill Creative plot: plot6 /plot visit OnePunchGrill 6 City plot you want the build moved to: mmh1
  10. OnePunchGrill

    Denied OnePunchGrill's Arch. Application

    Do you have Skype? Yup :) Which of your creative plots would you like to submit? Plot 1, Plot 2, and Plot 3. [/plot visit OnePunchGrill 1 / 2 / 3] Do you prefer interior or exterior design?: I really like both of them equally, but if I had to choose, I suppose interior. How much time...