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  1. Error

    Transfer Of Bludhouse

    Username: HeyLook Creative plot: 3 City plot you want the build moved to: bludhouse-8
  2. Error

    Watch out for CherylBlossom___!

    This player is a tp killer. I have indefinite proof, and they are already reported. In the mean time, don't come close to them. here is the proof!
  3. Error

    Transferring my house to bludhouse-8!

    Username: HeyLook Creative plot: 6 City plot you want the build moved to: bludhouse-8
  4. Error

    What in the world is going on!!!

    I was almost finished making my business center and was going to get it transferred, and then the server shut down telling me to go here, yet nothing is here! Where is it supposed to be? And when will the server be back up? And what is going to happen from it? I know I am not the only person...
  5. Error

    Case Closed Traumatized By Advertisement!

    1. Who are you accusing? @dyddy 2. What are your claims/accusations? Traumatization of the highest degree, he first verbally ABUSED me and then told me to play a game with him... I am spooked... 3. Any additional proof you can provide us? I am suing for $500000 & 2.95 pickles.