Search results

  1. virek

    Region Report Plot-5

    Region name: plot-5 Owner of the region: Merganator2 This building is far too tall for the size of the plot.
  2. virek

    Region Removals

    Username: virek Region: H509 Region #2: plot413 There are two unrented regions left at H509 and 1 region at plot413. This is to support future improvement to these plots.
  3. virek

    Selling urbanhouse20!

    I am selling urbanhouse20. Please submit your bids here. This is a highly sought after property that is large in size, has a beautiful house, and is nestled deep within the city. I was going to keep it, but I'm too happy living downtown. I have listed it for $3m which is not the asking price...
  4. virek

    Sky24 Report

    Region name: Sky24 Owner of the region: hm_shi This tower has been heavily griefed on both sides. Areas are missing windows or have windows replaced with a different type. Lots of tree grief is observed.
  5. virek

    Denied Virek's Architect Application

    Format 1. What is your username? Virek 2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check): Millionaire 3. Do you have a discord account? Yes. Also familiar with administering discord servers. 4. What plot(s) would you like to submit? Office building on 5. Apartments on 4, Apartments on 2, Modern...
  6. virek

    Transfer Request #2

    Username: virek Creative plot: 5 (19;-1) City plot you want the build moved to: plot-3 Brick building
  7. virek

    Region Removals

    Username: virek City plot: plot413 Would like to remove all unrented regions from this apartment to support a long term goal to improve property.
  8. virek

    Transfer Sky Plot

    Username: virek Creative plot: 5 City plot you want the build moved to: Sky50 NOTE: The existing build is pasted 2 blocks outside of my buildable region and is also smaller than my buildable region. I have outline the region corners in blue squares to demonstrate this. I have also pre-created...
  9. virek

    H509 Region Removals

    This apartment doesn't make any sense. I would like to remove vacant regions so I can get rid of them over time and replace the tower with a more appropriate structure for this area. Username: virek City plot: H509 I will do another request when the 2 occupied regions are vacant.
  10. virek

    City Sprawl, Navigation, & Property Ownership

    Hey MCCities Community, I've been playing on here for quite a while, and I've grown to really like the way the server is set up. Something about city life and having the ability to buy and improve property really clicks with me. I have a few questions & comments, some directed at staff and some...
  11. virek

    e14 Regioned poorly

    Wasn't sure if this forum or regioning was best, but this seems more like a bug in the way this property was regioned. E14 has very poor regioning and even goes out into the city streets. It also has a sub region on it that makes the property somewhat worthless. I bought this on auto sell, and...
  12. virek

    sky24 owned by hm_shi griefed heavily

    Haven't been able to contact staff via /helpme so this seems like this next best place. Sky24 has been heavily griefed (by trees?) especially on the side toward the hill, but there are some also broken blocks on the street side. I see heavy destruction on the bottom, middle and top of the...
  13. virek

    Selling Selling h52 (39x40)

    Accepting offers for h52. This lot is well designed and has a massive multi-story basement that reaches nearly to bedrock. Tons of storage and underground farming! reply here or /mail me offers or schedule viewing. imgur album:
  14. virek

    Selling Selling e14

    Honestly this is a weird plot. I've listed it for 149k, but open to offers. It's near a mansion and a few blocks from /warp city but is problematic because it has a sub region zoned inside of it. It is quite large though. It also extends into the public streets but you shouldn't edit those...
  15. virek

    Buying underdeveloped plots

    I am considering any under developed plot. Up to $300k and I consider smaller, cheaper plots as well. Plot must be either blank or have a house/tower that can be improved. Message me on here (screenshot would help) with price, or message me in-game under the same name.
  16. virek

    Allowing Teleportation to "Reselling" properties

    Hello everybody, New to the server but I already love it. There is one thing that is bothering me, and that's how difficult it is to find players reselling their properties. I can cycle through "renting" with /as I can cycle through "for sale" with /as But when a player sells a property, I...