Search results

  1. virek


    plot9 is rented and appears heavily griefed.
  2. virek

    Completed Creative To Survival

    Username: virek Creative plot: plot 8 City plot you want the build moved to: sky23 I have put selection blocks for the building in red wool for your convenience
  3. virek

    Allow Apartments in Caymen downtown

    I have small crappy apartments I want to update to larger ones. They stay though--because I can't re-region the area. I have awesome, large apartments I'd like to region. I get the counter-argument, but it's totally solvable. All possibilites: Enforce strict quality control for new...
  4. virek

    Completed Unregion request

    Username: virek City plot: plot-454 Please remove the last apartment from this plot, should be unrented.
  5. virek

    Completed Unregion request

    Username: virek City plot: plot-454 Please remove all unrented apartment regions
  6. virek


    This plot was meant to be a department store. It was, and then it was turned into a house. The house it nice, but is extremely out of place and zoned incorrectly.
  7. virek

    Petition to fix apartments & economy - stop the sprawl!

    I spent a lot of time making a post several months ago that the community generally agrees with, but was not responded to by staff. This is seriously not hard to implement and fixes a lot of issues & is ultimately good for the whole player base...veterans and new players alike. I submit this...
  8. virek

    Completed Creative To Survial

    Username: virek Creative plot: plot 7 (-28;-35) City plot you want the build moved to: Sky50 (this is a previous build of mine I'll improve/move) New tower goes down to bedrock. Selection area has been pre-made with blue wool (one corner has hole down to bottom) -- measurements should be...
  9. virek

    Region Report

    Region name: h125 Owner of the region: ramdon_person Can we limit these really thin super tall towers? Unrealistic & hurts the skyline.
  10. virek

    Denied Virek's Arch App #2

    Format 1. What is your username? virek 2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check) Millionaire 3. Do you have a discord account? Yes, and own a discord server with 100+ users. Very familiar 4. What plot(s) would you like to submit? Creative Plot 6 5. What building styles do you specialize...
  11. virek

    Creative to City

    Username: virek Creative plot: 6 City plot you want the build moved to: Sky20 Blue wool is pre-placed for your selection. Door should face towards mayor's house.
  12. virek

    Apartments & Regioning - Some Suggestions

    Hello McCities Staff. Let me start by saying I appreciate this server a ton, you've been putting obvious effort into improvements. I hope to play it for years to come, and after I post this I'm going to make my first donation to this server which is probably long overdue. One thing I believe...
  13. virek

    Region Report

    Region name: plot-3 Owner of the region: TRCE2007 Single column tower on top. Also if they are planning a build this tall please do not allow, the tower next to it is already an eye sore to have tall thin towers.
  14. virek

    Sky18 For sale (apt building with penthouse)

    Sky18, located near the auto dealership and a few blocks from warp city is for sale. It has a multi story penthouse on the top floor (for the owner) and 14 regioned apartments Hearing reasonable offers, buy it now price $895,000
  15. virek

    Landlord Change

    Plot: Sky329 Need to change landlord for apts to me. Thank you,
  16. virek

    Transfer Request

    Username: virek Creative plot: 5 City plot you want the build moved to: plot413 Corner Shop, updates made based on feedback.
  17. virek

    Transfer Request

    Username: virek Creative plot: 7 (21;28)_ City plot you want the build moved to: plot413 Corner Store. Door should be on the corner. Blue cloth markers pre-made for your selection
  18. virek

    Transfer Request

    Username: virek Creative plot: 5 (19;-1) City plot you want the build moved to: plot-3
  19. virek

    Landlord Change

    username: virek plot: sky18 Looking to change landlord to myself. Side note: How do I check status of who is landlord? Thanks,
  20. virek

    Report H210

    Region name: H210 Owner of the region: Piggy_Oink_1123 Does not fit area surrounding it. Too small to be apartments.