Search results

  1. shroomchi

    IMPORTANT Halloween 2024 & Other info

    Our Halloween Event is slightly late this year, but it is here nonetheless! It will run until November 10th to give everyone enough time to redeem prizes from the events. Players will be able to access all three of this year’s events at /warp hEvent. Trick or Treating Directly behind the warp...
  2. shroomchi

    IMPORTANT Police Info & Exam Guide

    Applying Requirements: Citizen+ in-game rank (to see your current rank do /ranks) No past discretions Getting banned for breaking any of the general server rules will result in an instant disqualification. Alternatively, it must be 3 months since your last ban at the time of applying...
  3. shroomchi

    Completed Transfer From Creative to City

    Posting on behalf of ssuggii Plot home 1 Move to orono_shop_1
  4. shroomchi

    Realtor Guide

    Taking The Exam The exam is located at /warp school, in Class 1-D. Here is the list of qualifications you have to meet to take the exam and receive the job: - You must be at least Citizen rank to take the exam - It will cost $500 - You must have a job slot available of the 2 you are allowed. -...
  5. shroomchi

    IMPORTANT Building Guidelines

    General Standards Build can not be too tall or too small compared to the other builds in the area/neighborhood. Must match the style of build surrounding it. (e.g medieval can not be next to modern) If you choose to renovate it should match the type of building as well so if there are...
  6. shroomchi

    Selling Auction for juneaumansion

    No mess no fuss Highest offer wins Ends January 3rd you can do /find juneaumansion to have a look around
  7. shroomchi

    Lil 'ol Giveaway

    Dm your favorite Minecraft song parody or parodies for a chance to either a /nick from the server store or discord nitro for a month. They can be absolutely terrible they're good or they can be creative as h*ck and just be your what you like. Winner will be chosen by the 28th. Winner will decide...
  8. shroomchi

    Missing Regions

    IGN: FroztyStars Name of Region(s): boathouse (X:86 Y:65 Z:1049), barbie_dreamhouse (X: 726 Y:105 Z: 1634 Was it on an island?: No Dont have screenshots for boathouse to prove its mine :( and dreamhouse i won in a competition a while ago. Thank you!
  9. shroomchi

    Completed Transfer city to creative

    Username: FroztyStars Creative plot: InsecureBean /plot home 2 City plot: doublemansion (entire plot down to bedrock)
  10. shroomchi

    Ultra Spawners

    AnxieticRhapsody Am not able to set down ultra spawners i've picked up, they all have the same message that pops up.
  11. shroomchi

    Slimefun going wack

    Things are missing from my guide as well as various items being de-skinned and turning into steve heads. Mods I am using are 5zig and optifine, if that has any relevance.
  12. shroomchi

    Arch to City

    FroztyGalaxie Sundae22 Arch Plot 3 coords: -70 65 -1690 Transfer to star-city-26
  13. shroomchi

    City to Creative transfer

    Username: FroztyGalaxie Plot(s): saipo12345place to _BurtMacklinFBI's plot home 1
  14. shroomchi

    Indefinite inactivity

    Hiya folks! I've already let close friends know about my going ons but figured I'd post it to the public about whats happening. Nothing too major! I'm just in the process of moving from state to state, and its been a super busy process. Having to drive about 10 hours a day leaves little room for...
  15. shroomchi

    Resolved "great" diamond ticket bug

    already reported to staff while in game but was told to make a post about it. here it is. found it in a chest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  16. shroomchi

    Survival to Arch transfer

    Username: FroztyGalaxie Plot: expomansion To: IIAriusII's arch plot "/plot home 3"
  17. shroomchi

    Resolved Broken Slimefun machines ;-;

    What i was doing: trying to have fun with slimefun :( Coords: x: 704 y: 35 z: 3508 Plot: asherfellisland 2 Tier 3 Gold Pans 1 Tier 1 Gold Pan 11 coal gens 36 input nodes 10 auto enchanters 1 electric ore grinder 1 electric furnace Thank you for your time
  18. shroomchi

    Transfer Request

    Creative plot: DeTingGoSkrra plot 3 To: Below asherfellisland, above the dark oak slabs. the build has no basements but has some under build into it that's about 8 blocks deep.
  19. shroomchi

    Wither Skeletons Dropping Normal Skelleton Skulls

    Just as title states, its been a few days like this as far as I've noticed. Are they being removed? Is it a sword of beheading error perhaps? per format: What you were doing before this occurred: just farming wither skeletons at a fortress, when i noticed that the heads that were being dropped...
  20. shroomchi

    Halloween Hat 2017

    Username: FroztyStars What i was doing: Putting on the hat, it placed on the ground, gave me the two second effects but vanished from my inventory. Lost: Halloween Hat 2017