IMPORTANT Building Guidelines

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Staff member
Oct 11, 2017
General Standards

  1. Build can not be too tall or too small compared to the other builds in the area/neighborhood.
  2. Must match the style of build surrounding it. (e.g medieval can not be next to modern)
  3. If you choose to renovate it should match the type of building as well so if there are skyscrapers nearby, your building should likely be one too
  4. All personal farms must be underground and not placed above ground or on rooftops unless its for aesthetic purposes (e.g Greenhouses, “natural” overgrowth, or gardens)
  5. Homes must be made in the Creative world to be approved of by staff. Homes built in the overworld will be cleared and the build will be moved to the player’s creative plot where you will have two weeks to renovate it properly.


  1. Properties may be taken if the home is empty with no signs of general usage. Must be fully furnished, you may ask an architect for assistance.
  2. You are not allowed to use alternative accounts to bypass the property limit set in place. Doing so will result in the properties being revoked.
  • **For Island Owners** Do not evict residents without notifying them properly first. Contact a staff member if you need assistance with rightfully warning a build for inactivity or grief.


  • Apartment rooms need to be at least 10x15 and fully furnished. You will be in charge of any renovations but you may contact staff for any extensive grief.
  • Apartment buildings will have to follow the general city standards. (the build will have to suit the area)
  • Standard pricing for an apartment starts at $250 for 7 days. Prices will be negotiable if the apartment size is larger than the limit.

Island Guidelines can be found here.

  • You must submit a transfer request here on the forum. See Transfer & Regioning Requests
  • Price will depend on blocks used
  • No planted farms
  • No chests/storage
This price sheet can be modified at any time

diamond_block: 2000
emerald_block: 2500
iron_block: 1500
gold_block: 1500
coal_block: 500
granite: 3
polished_granite: 4
beacon: 10000
bookshelf: 60
diorite: 3
polished_diorite: 4
andesite: 3
polished_andesite: 3
coarse_dirt: 1
podzol: 1
oak_planks: 1
spruce_planks: 1
birch_planks: 1
jungle_planks: 1
acacia_planks: 1
dark_oak_planks: 1
crimson_planks: 3
warped_planks: 3
white_concrete: 3
orange_concrete: 3
magenta_concrete: 3
light_blue_concrete: 3
yellow_concrete: 3
lime_concrete: 3
pink_concrete: 3
gray_concrete: 3
light_gray_concrete: 3
cyan_concrete: 3
purple_concrete: 3
blue_concrete: 3
brown_concrete: 3
green_concrete: 3
red_concrete: 3
black_concrete: 3
white_terracotta: 3
orange_terracotta: 3
magenta_terracotta: 3
light_blue_terracotta: 3
yellow_terracotta: 3
lime_terracotta: 3
pink_terracotta: 3
gray_terracotta: 3
light_gray_terracotta: 3
cyan_terracotta: 3
purple_terracotta: 3
blue_terracotta: 3
brown_terracotta: 3
green_terracotta: 3
red_terracotta: 3
black_terracotta: 3
terracotta: 3
gold_ore: 200
iron_ore: 150
coal_ore: 100
nether_gold_ore: 100
oak_log: 4
spruce_log: 4
birch_log: 4
jungle_log: 4
acacia_log: 4
dark_oak_log: 4
stripped_oak_log: 4
stripped_spruce_wood: 4
stripped_birch_wood: 4
stripped_jungle_wood: 4
stripped_acacia_wood: 4
stripped_dark_oak_wood: 4
oak_wood: 4
spruce_wood: 4
birch_wood: 4
jungle_wood: 4
acacia_wood: 4
dark_oak_wood: 4
white_wool: 8
orange_wool: 8
magenta_wool: 8
light_blue_wool: 8
yellow_wool: 8
line_wool: 8
pink_wool: 8
gray_wool: 8
light_gray_wool: 8
cyan_wool: 8
purple_wool: 8
blue_wool: 8
brown_wool: 8
green_wool: 8
red_wool: 8
black_wool: 8
white_carpet: 3
orange_carpet: 3
magenta_carpet: 3
light_blue_carpet: 3
yellow_carpet: 3
lime_carpet: 3
pink_carpet: 3
gray_carpet: 3
light_gray_carpet: 3
cyan_carpet: 3
purple_carpet: 3
blue_carpet: 3
brown_carpet: 3
green_carpet: 3
red_carpet: 3
black_carpet: 3
smooth_quartz: 6
chiseled_quartz_block: 6
quartz_block: 6
quartz_bricks: 6
quartz_pillar: 6
quartz_stairs: 6
smooth_quartz_stairs: 6
hopper: 650
note_block: 200
tnt: 150
dropper: 100
dispenser: 200
piston: 100
sticky_piston: 300
daylight_detector: 87.5
repeater: 112.5
shulker_box: 10000
white_shulker_box: 10000
orange_shulker_box: 10000
magenta_shulker_box: 10000
light_blue_shulker_box: 10000
yellow_shulker_box: 10000
lime_shulker_box: 10000
pink_shulker_box: 10000
gray_shulker_box: 10000
light_gray_shulker_box: 10000
cyan_shulker_box: 10000
purple_shulker_box: 10000
blue_shulker_box: 10000
brown_shulker_box: 10000
green_shulker_box: 10000
red_shulker_box: 10000
black_shulker_box: 10000
enchanting_table: 3000
anvil: 2000
end_portal_frame: 5000
end_stone_bricks: 3
redstone_lamp: 10
ender_chest: 5000
hopper: 500
obsidian: 50
netherrite_block: 25
ancient_debris: 1000
glass_pane: 3
white_stained_glass: 3
orange_stained_glass: 3
magenta_stained_glass: 3
light_blue_stained_glass: 3
yellow_stained_glass: 3
lime_stained_glass: 3
pink_stained_glass: 3
gray_stained_glass: 3
light_gray_stained_glass: 3
cyan_stained_glass: 3
purple_stained_glass: 3
blue_stained_glass: 3
brown_stained_glass: 3
green_stained_glass: 3
red_stained_glass: 3
black_stained_glass: 3
white_stained_glass_pane: 3
orange_stained_glass_pane: 3
magenta_stained_glass_pane: 3
light_blue_stained_glass_pane: 3
yellow_stained_glass_pane: 3
lime_stained_glass_pane: 3
pink_stained_glass_pane: 3
gray_stained_glass_pane: 3
light_gray_stained_glass_pane: 3
cyan_stained_glass_pane: 3
purple_stained_glass_pane: 3
blue_stained_glass_pane: 3
brown_stained_glass_pane: 3
green_stained_glass_pane: 3
red_stained_glass_pane: 3
black_stained_glass_pane: 3
prismarine: 8
prismarine_bricks: 8
dark_prismarine: 8
prismarine_stairs: 8
prismarine_brick_stairs: 8
dark_prismarine_stairs: 8
sea_lantern: 20

If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact a staff member on discord!
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