Search results

  1. nibble

    Update Update Log - 3/5/19

    Update log - 3/5/19 Only stocks in /stocks popular can be purchased now to reduce exploitability Edited slimefun to attempt to reduce machine breakage Edited Mine regeneration code to attempt to reduce faulty replacement
  2. nibble

    Update Log - 2/20/19

    Update log - 2/20/19 Some of the ores at /warp mine have been replaced Removed the warp Bakery as it served no real purpose Set some of the warps again (Ex: University) which warped you to odd locations /library should function again as intended Removed the snow from all warps Disabling...
  3. nibble

    Update log - 10/23/18

    Update log - 10/23/18 Stock taxes will be applied to each transaction (3%) Stocks will be untradeable when the market is closed You will need to hold onto a stock for minimum 12 hours prior to being able to sell them. /laws now properly links to the appropriate thread All the emote commands...
  4. nibble

    IMPORTANT Halloween Ideas

    Halloween is right around the corner, and we want to organize an event that everyone can enjoy. Comment possible event & reward ideas for Halloween that you may want to see, and perhaps you'll happen to see it this year. If your idea is original, and we happen to like it, you may receive some...
  5. nibble

    Update Update Log - 8/16/18

    Update Log - 8/16/18 /laws has been added to link players to the city laws in-game The c͏a͏s͏i͏n͏o was rebuilt by @Arius (Additional function will come at a later date, check out the stunning build for now!) /ad increase in price $100 > $200 /ad cooldown increased from 10 seconds > 30 seconds...
  6. nibble

    IMPORTANT How to connect with 1.12 (Older versions of minecraft)

    Seems like people are having more trouble with this than they should: 1. Press the "Launcher options" on the top right 2. Click the "Add new" button 3. Click the version > release 1.12.2 > save 4. Go back to the "News" tab > Click the arrow next to play > Select the profile you've...
  7. nibble

    Selling Custom Item Name & Region Renaming

    A pretty simple auction, I'm offering one custom item name & one region renaming Custom Item Name You can choose any item you own for me to change the name of it to whatever you desire with color. Starting bid - 300k Current bid - 600k @koekie_w Region Renaming You can choose a property you...
  8. nibble

    ! AMA - Ask Me Anything

    I know I've been pretty uncommunicative on the server for a while now, but that wasn't exactly my intentions. You can ask me any question here, and I'll answer you (as long as I can and want to).
  9. nibble

    Update Glitched blocks - slimefun

    I've reworked the way slimefun handles breaking/placing to ensure glitched/ghost blocks no longer occur. If you notice any problems with this system or still have any glitched blocks after this update, please reply here with the location for me to take a look at.
  10. nibble

    Update Update - 5/7/18

    Update Log - 5/7/18 Stockbrokers will no longer despawn Symbols now appear on your portfolio that shows whether you lost or gained money You can purchase stocks via stocks popular menu A Realtor (Effective post restart) can now own up to 30 plots; however, stricter rules have been placed in...
  11. nibble

    Update Update - 4/29/18

    /warp stock has been released! The stock market reflects the real life stock market. Look around the first floor for more information on how to purchase/sell stocks! Side note: The second voting link has been fixed & a couple optimizations were made for less lag.
  12. nibble

    Update Log - 2/23/18

    Update log - 2/23/18 + Realtor Job Realtor job has the permission to use /find and /find (reselling region) (this permission was removed from normal players now) As the property seller, you may want to hire a Realtor to advertise your property for you. As the property buyer, you may want to...
  13. nibble

    IMPORTANT Island Guidelines

    Natural Structure The island should retain its natural structure, meaning no island owner is allowed to extend the island in an unnatural manner. Extension is only viable if the extension is being made where the island structure is natural. Decency Overall, island builds should still have a...
  14. nibble

    Update Update log - 1/20/18

    Update log - 1/20/18 * Multiple bug fixes with slimefun - The /skin plugin will be disabled for the time being as it has been the cause of crashes I know we haven't had any updates for a while, but I promise that will change soon as I'm looking into improving my activity as well as new...
  15. nibble

    Selling Island Auction (Private/New Island)

    The format will be the same, you will leave your bid & what you'll do with the island. This is an island for those who want a private island. While it is a private island, it's a very large piece of land, so I don't expect you to keep it all to yourself but share it with a couple of people. You...
  16. nibble

    Update 1.12.2 Update (Report bugs here)

    We've updated the server to 1.12.2, a much more stable build. With this being said, certain plugins will be "broken" and no longer work despite the fact that we've updated the ones that we know are broken. If you come by any issues, comment on here, so we can work on fixing it. Known issues -...
  17. nibble

    Selling AJLand & Cormansion (Island)

    Bids will be reviewed when the auction is over /warp auction ingame to view the island This island comes with one region name change. Please also write down your reason for wanting the island. You are bound to those statements, and I may very well give you the island at a cheaper price if you...
  18. nibble

    Update log - 12/17/17

    Update log - 12/17/17 * Slimefun crafting for some of the Christmas items that previously didn't work should work now. * Wither skeletons should properly drop their head when killed with sword of beheading now * The plugin that was causing lag/crash has been readded with optimizations. Hats...
  19. nibble

    Update Update log - 12/10/17

    Update log - 12/10/17 + Snow in-game (you can turn off the snow particles via game settings if you don't want to see this) * Completely recoded classroom chats, should work much, much better.
  20. nibble

    Update Update log - 12/7/17

    Update log - 12/7/17 + /discord command * /find also now accepts arguments (ex: you can do /find (name of some reselling region) to specifically teleport to that reselling region. * Identified one of the issues for crashing & fixed it * Other minor changes Sorry for the lack of updates lately...