Case Closed A court case again @GreenarrowCW

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Oct 14, 2017
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Making this case again @GreenarrowCW (he has a forum account but idk if he's ever on it)

Reason for making the case:
Oke, I am trying to keep it short and simple so here goes,
About 2 months ago Arrow typed in Global chat, who wants to fist fight for star city? So I said yes why not and went to fight him, after I won however he said it was a joke and he was never intending to give away the island. My screenshot app was broken at the time so I did not have any proof of him 'scamming' me out of star city, but luckly I got was able to recieve the proof from someone else later on.

I am making this case as I have fairly won Star-City and tbh star city deserves to be further developed and made even better! I honestly love the design arrow has made over the year and want to rebuild the ugly parts and finish star city and make it into the city/island it deserves to be!

Proof for the case:
(I hope it works but the regular files too if they are visable)


also I would like to add, I have contacted arrow in private, he only got mad at me and stuff, I'm sad we were unable to solve this problem in private mate, I really am!

If this is not enough proof please allow me to call up some witnesses and thanks staff for taking your time handeling this case! :D

Good day ya'll :D


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Oct 14, 2017
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Look, you have to let go of star-city at some point, I don't think you will be logging in every 2 months for the rest of your life just to keep an island on a server you are not even playing anymore. I really wish to improve star city not destroy your hard work.
I am just trying to be the one ripping the bandaid off, I understand it will hurt a bit, but just allow me and the people on this server to use that bandaid clean it up and present it to the server!
(Haha I like talking in metaphors)

I am not willing to make a deal, I won the island fair and square and it's what I fought for.
Also I was told to add that I really love the tv show arrow, though season 3 and 4 were not so good, season 5 made it rise up again :)


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Jan 6, 2017
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lol I’m not supposed to reply but they’ve actually been active recently & doing a fist fight for an island is completely stupid. it was a joke so just take a decent sized plot because getting an island for basically free isn’t going to work. plus they’ve actually been redoing the island if you’ve cared to check on it. kthx go ahead and tell me I can’t comment


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Jan 16, 2019
The Anonymous Bunker
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@Optic Yeah I agree it may sound stupid. But jazz got scammed of an island. He won the fight which means he should get star city. He shouldn’t have said that he was going to fight for star city or said it was a joke before the fight. Jazz has the full rights to get star city. *sorry for commenting <3*


@Optic Yeah I agree it may sound stupid. But jazz got scammed of an island. He won the fight which means he should get star city. He shouldn’t have said that he was going to fight for star city or said it was a joke before the fight. Jazz has the full rights to get star city. *sorry for commenting <3*
lol I’m not supposed to reply but they’ve actually been active recently & doing a fist fight for an island is completely stupid. it was a joke so just take a decent sized plot because getting an island for basically free isn’t going to work. plus they’ve actually been redoing the island if you’ve cared to check on it. kthx go ahead and tell me I can’t comment
Please do not comment. Again if you have information to add you can always private message me. Thank you.


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Oct 14, 2017
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lol I’m not supposed to reply but they’ve actually been active recently & doing a fist fight for an island is completely stupid. it was a joke so just take a decent sized plot because getting an island for basically free isn’t going to work. plus they’ve actually been redoing the island if you’ve cared to check on it. kthx go ahead and tell me I can’t comment
ehm well i do care but I did not see big improvements sorry for being so blind,
and I checked his ar time was not high at the time.
he should have said it was a joke prior. Can't just claim its a joke after that. Not how the world works. I got screwed over too many times to let this go off easy.
Appreciate your concern <3


Dec 24, 2015
Lmao i'll give you a plot or two on star-city of my choosing. You aren't taking what I built, and I still play just not everyday.
I don't even know who you are or remember this conversation, it might of been a family member on at the time because I wouldn't be stupid enough to bid star city over a fist fight. Like I said, i'll give you a plot or two


Lmao i'll give you a plot or two on star-city of my choosing. You aren't taking what I built, and I still play just not everyday.
I don't even know who you are or remember this conversation, it might of been a family member on at the time because I wouldn't be stupid enough to bid star city over a fist fight. Like I said, i'll give you a plot or two
@ItzJazzMade ? Comment


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It's not about money or anything,
only about gaining what I was promised to get, what i waited 2 months for.
Idk what I have to comment, that it's not fair what he did and that's why I am making this case? That he got mad and threatend me when I confronted him in private? How I wished to have done this in private as now all sorts of people have opinions and all I want is for 'justice' to be served.

Also I know it was you as you had a conversation about building up the island and how you build it all by hand and whatnot before we fought. So idk if your lil brother was just lying about that, but at least he knows about the island.

I just need to know if I have provided enough evidence? As I can always call up some witnesses to prove some points on the story.

Also I havn't used any of these in a while seems like the right place to do it, End positive :D

Greets mates


Dec 24, 2015
I didn't threaten you, you came to me in private about the situation and I said if you choose to make a case and go against me to try and take what I've built, then you're an enemy.


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Oct 14, 2017
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So ehm lastly I would like to add I did make an offer for a better deal in private but arrow denied it. As I understand that taking the island for free is also not fair. :/
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Since the two players cannot agree on a compromise I think its time a ruling is made and the case is closed. I would like to explain my bases on the ruling below and how I came to this conclusion. First, the evidence provided by jazz and the witnesses that have contacted me all come together and prove this fight and bet did happen. However, no screenshot showed that GreenArrowCW died by the result of Jazz killing him. Second, Greenarrow knew the risks of making such a risky bet. Third, there have only been a few court cases dealing with giving islands to players due to a deal or a bet. In a case that is similar to this one that I was personally involved in between Lavaflake and me had a signed a final contract on an island and still, there were problems. In that case, Nibble gave a compromise and ruled a large plot would be given instead of ownership of the island. This former case affirms that even with a signed contract staff can step in when a deal would prosper when the agreement would be edited and or voided this applies to a chat bet. I don't see how a fist fight in any case would result in a 20 million dollar + piece of property being given to another player. Fourth, islands are valuable pieces of property that people work hard for and spend months and years working to be nice cities. Fifth, both parties when offered a reasonable compromise failed to do so. The ruling is as followed:

1) Star-City will remain in GreeenArrowCW’s ownership.

2) Greenarrowcw will give jazz either a plot on Star-City or Jazz can choose the value of the plot and get the money from it. (If you want the money I or another staff member will decide the value). However, my thought's would be that it would be nice to region jazz a nice sized plot star city he could custom named.

Please keep me updated. If you guys cannot compromise on the size of the plot or how it will work out you can message me or make a new case.

Case closed waiting for approval
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