This might be a bit late but I really hope this isn't true. About a week ago Gracie, Marie, and AnonymousBro
were trying to get me banned for tp killing taunting me to kill them and such. I didn't kill them obviously but what caught my eye was the most BS thing I have ever heard. Apparently if I TP to gracie and kill one of her friends such as Marie or AnonymousBro that's TP killing and I understand and agree with that part. But what they told me is if Marie were to kill me after I TP to Gracie that isn't TP killing. So logic is if I were to TP to someone and there friend attacked me I couldn't do anything about it and if I were to kill them that would be Tp killing on my part. If a staff can confirm if this is true or just total BS please inform me cause I would really like to know.
were trying to get me banned for tp killing taunting me to kill them and such. I didn't kill them obviously but what caught my eye was the most BS thing I have ever heard. Apparently if I TP to gracie and kill one of her friends such as Marie or AnonymousBro that's TP killing and I understand and agree with that part. But what they told me is if Marie were to kill me after I TP to Gracie that isn't TP killing. So logic is if I were to TP to someone and there friend attacked me I couldn't do anything about it and if I were to kill them that would be Tp killing on my part. If a staff can confirm if this is true or just total BS please inform me cause I would really like to know.