We the people, OnePunchGrill, dwarflyncher, Gjegevey, and other corresponding supporters would like to submit our bid for the island at
$11million, with the current bid standing at $10million, respectively.
In doing so, we hereby claim top bid as well as with hopes that other people will join our team in making our vision of creating the perfect place to hang out and celebrate Mccities to come true, any extra support or even just feedback from you would be much appreciated
Yes, on paper this plan is exactly the same as everyone else’s, but I, speaking collectively for our wonderful team, believe that’s about where the similarities end.
From our perspective, we see 2 major types of island managements on mccities: private islands, and publically regioned islands. So far, we’ve only seen variants of these 2 main approaches to island management, and we believe that while these traditional methods have their advantages, they’re also flawed because of their inflexibility to accommodate different situations and remedy logistical problems that could arise along the way.
Private islands are nice for that individual to have, but it literally serves noone but the owner and we think that’s an opportunity wasted. However, regioned islands are also a nightmare to run as it relies on individual plot owners to make smart and conscientious decisions, which never happens.
So, we want to combine these 2 conventional approaches to island management so that we can have a sophisticated administrative system that will actually work - where everyone involved can walk away with something to look forward to
We want to turn AJLand into a social enclave where people can live/hangout and hold cool parties or balls. Long story short, we want to create a suburban neighborhood with a metropolis in the center (that means, roads, streets, trees, and everything that a normal neighborhood might have, and eventually we want to make a modern city - and any support and feeback for cool ideas from you would be much appreciated, we'd love to know what you think) However, in order to make this dream into an actual reality, there will need to be some special reforms and policies in place - which is where we differ from everyone else in that we are actually offering everyone a specific plan to go about this.
Most notably,
We want to split the island into 4 different regions - combining the advantages of both private and regioned islands:
- Regioned plots: There will be very few, but we want to region some of the land as plots so that our friends - that means you!
- on the server can live on and enjoy the island as much as the owners can.
- Recreational space: This space will account for all the infrastructure on the island like roads, parks, streets, etc. that anyone who’s on it can walk around to enjoy. We’d like to add in shops/parks/ business centers even if it’s just for looks

- Community space: We want to allocate a separate space just for everyone on the server to enjoy and contribute
nothing is final, but we want to add a Mccities museum with heads of all the people that came and went before, and the books of old tales that were told in the archives. Also, we want to make a pretty big park where we’d like to feature community builds submitted by you guys in rotation! We would love to periodically present people’s cool builds on the island for everyone else to see and enjoy.
- Private space: Pretty self-explanatory; also, we plan to build all our additional future builds on this space. Secret underground mazes, sewer systems, etc. were on my mind, but nothing is final at the moment.