The "Welcome to McCities'' glitch is back. It clears your full inventory and enderchest. Id suggest that you wait with logging in into the server till this is fixed if u have valuables in your inventory/ender chest.
Be warned.
Be warned.
!! Shoutout to @JustYourTypical !! You rock!If you don't get your stuff back again, and you leave.. I suggest you give your money and properties to your closest friends instead of doing a giveaway event.. give your stuff to wisemanjp architect lord atleastYour own wife..
HOWEVER, this isn’t a frequent glitch. And so long as this happens to you and you let the staff members know myself and kiri can restore your inventoriesUpdate. Unfortunately this is a host problem and our ability to fix it is limited
Do we have to know whats in our inventory to get it restored? I kinda forgot what was in my inven, well half of it i don't remember.HOWEVER, this isn’t a frequent glitch. And so long as this happens to you and you let the staff members know myself and kiri can restore your inventories
But it might happen again after a few months... and some items can't be rolled back right?this was ages ago dude. its cool now. they can roll back inventories
Yesso should i store important items in a chest instead of my enderchest/inventory from now on?