Hey There,
After (nearly) 2 years, my adventures on this server are now coming to an end. I like many others had an amazing time playing the game, but most importantly interacting with the awesome community. Although I'm starting off on a bad note here, I truly feel the McCities I built my in game """empire""" (for a lack of words) around has changed a lot, and it no longer appeals to me anymore.
My time here started like many others, going through the normal grind and working my way up the ladder. At this time, jobs were going through some nice changes, and I was an active farmer. During this time, I was interested in the server, but barely scratched the surface. One thing not many people know, is that in an attempt to reach rank citizen I actually ended up making an afk pool and 'cheating' about 12 hours (sorry don't ban). After this, a funny thing I remember is forums trump aka 'Gabriel'. For some reason trump had a 10 year old controlling his account, and random posts were made literally every second
Time passes, and I start buying and selling small houses, making some extra money. After doing this for a short while, I get the hang of it and really start making money. Im sure thats a thing everyone goes through, as its pretty much essential to making large amounts of money. During these early days, we had staff members such as ciel, heather, and Kate. I'm not going to go into what was accused of them, but they were great at their actual jobs of moderating the server. I remember, within my first week of joining the server I was actually banned by ciel. Whether it was deserved was debatable, but there are always many sides to 1 story. I basically continue my scheme of buying/reselling plots and become interested in special jobs such as Architects and the Police Force. It's funny because I must have applied like 3 or 4 times to become a police officer, and I was denied each time. Same with architect, as what I was used to building did not fit the server style. Fortunately on the 3rd try, I was able to to ascend to the rank of Architect. Let me tell you, those were the good times. I had made friends with people like TheDiamondTiger and cp42, and I was even getting into slime fun.
After some months, I actually felt like I was getting more and more recognized. I took (multiple) stabs, and eventually became a helper. I would say that early on I had a pretty fun time as a helper. However, within a week I believe, older staff such as heather were leaving. After this period, we had a new wave of staff members including Aury and the reoccurrence of Izzie. Though this staff team wasn't as strong as it was previously, it was laid back and the server did ok. About this time, I was very active within the company. I still remember the hour long calls with hidden, kiri, graphic and Marie which were actually pretty fun. As a staff member I was eligible (under the unofficial rules) for being a principal or vice principal. Hosting school sessions as VP was extremely fun, and I loved every bit of it. I took pride in it, and I thought it did very well (while I was active lol), and important improvements were made from previous iterations (of school sessions). It was here where I grew a love for slime fun and mythic drops. I was having a lot of fun with Tiger doing random crap, and I would say this is where my first 'phase' of sf came, and for about a month or so I made a bunch of random stuff.
Now, around half a year had passed, and I was rich. Tiger and I were both rich. We decided on buying an island and even included a third to help with the purchase. Collectively, we were willing to pool about 6-8 mil. This never happened, and the third went inactive. At this time, I was still an architect and I had refined my terraforming skills. After a lot of research, I was eventually able to acquire tucker77island for about 4 million (I forgot the original owner). I owned this island for under a month, before selling it to PixelPuppy_ for about 5 mil (yea she fell for that one lmao, 2 ez). Though I made a quick buck, I was still adamant about buying my own island build to my hearts content. I was peaking at the time, and with Tiger, we collectively were the richest players on the server (besides that one guy who had like 80mil). At this time /as info forsale made people millionaires over night. Old players' stuff would go on autosale all the time, and everyone would wait to snipe properties. We scoped out the perfect island: Captain, owned by CaptainLevl. Unfortunately we were 15 minutes early to the snipe of the island, which ended up costing 1 million. Fortunately we were able to keep those buyers somewhat quiet as we struck out a deal. In the end we ended up paying over 16 million (including mansion plots larger than 50x50, the strongest mythic drop on the server at that time [unfortunately it got lost], and about 10mil in cash), this would equate to a lot more in the current economy. End product: Captain.
Tiger and I both started working on Captain, or a soon to be recreation of some place in Scotland. Unfortunately Tiger got banned for kill aura hacking, but we don't talk about that, many say thats not true. I continued this project on my own for a very long time. Some wonder why it is still not done after a year, and thats because along the way I became inactive twice, and because of how building works. Yes, I know it can be done, and I know I've said it 2 million times, but I did not build captain with world edit, even though it was initially available. I wanted something that would look better, and for a proper cliff effect "hand building" turned out to be the more attractive method. Though it looked better, it took hella long. I'd also like to mention the significant contributions made by cp42, and some great suggestions by Jazz.
Lets backtrack a bit. I was helper for a long time, and I mean a very long time. I think I hold the record for 'helper for longest time'. By the time I resigned, it wasn't truly because I was running out of time, but merely because it was getting me nowhere. Im going to speak honestly here. Yes, I went inactive in between, but before I was a faithful staff member for like 3-4 months. It was very disheartening to me to see other helpers get promoted after a month, while I was stuck in the same position. I never questioned it then (for whatever reason, idk), and now I still don't care to ask why. One thing I noted about the staff team a few months ago, was the fake love. And what I mean was the interactions between Leanne/Joey and the rest of the staff team. As you can tell, Im not exactly trying to go all out and h8 on all those who have a different view point than myself, but these two guys were living jokes. Leanne was somewhat close to normal, but DarkMagicin thought he was so high up on his pedestal. Guy did literal jack **** and acted like he founded this server. On top of that he always thought his opinion was 100% correct, and would shut you down at every turn unless you sucked up to him. I have to say, I can definitely see improvement in the current staff team, as sundae is at least (and this is just 1 trait) rational and is fair to the other staff members. About the 'fake love', Joey would always incite arguments, and then resolve them """cheerfully""" (most saw through his bs, but nothing was done).
Apart from that, my time on the server was becoming more and more stale. I was rich, I had an island - I was truly lost with what to do next. I was then inactive for a while. Coming back, I knew not many familiar people besides staff and a few others such as trump and death inferno. At this time FroztyStars presented themselves. I had barely interacted with them, but I knew them through Tiger. Let me tell you, she got me into slime fun, and I Was active again for a sold 2-3 months during the summer. I had a great time playing the server through this reignited love for slime fun.
And that brings us here. I've once again lost interest, and I think this time I think it might be for good. I won't exactly truly leave the server, but Ill be considerably less active. Many of you noticed some things including my island Captain - thanks for pointing that out. Ill be making another post addressing captain. Its been good guys. If any of you need anything, let me know. (just don't ask for money whatever you do).
After (nearly) 2 years, my adventures on this server are now coming to an end. I like many others had an amazing time playing the game, but most importantly interacting with the awesome community. Although I'm starting off on a bad note here, I truly feel the McCities I built my in game """empire""" (for a lack of words) around has changed a lot, and it no longer appeals to me anymore.
My time here started like many others, going through the normal grind and working my way up the ladder. At this time, jobs were going through some nice changes, and I was an active farmer. During this time, I was interested in the server, but barely scratched the surface. One thing not many people know, is that in an attempt to reach rank citizen I actually ended up making an afk pool and 'cheating' about 12 hours (sorry don't ban). After this, a funny thing I remember is forums trump aka 'Gabriel'. For some reason trump had a 10 year old controlling his account, and random posts were made literally every second
Time passes, and I start buying and selling small houses, making some extra money. After doing this for a short while, I get the hang of it and really start making money. Im sure thats a thing everyone goes through, as its pretty much essential to making large amounts of money. During these early days, we had staff members such as ciel, heather, and Kate. I'm not going to go into what was accused of them, but they were great at their actual jobs of moderating the server. I remember, within my first week of joining the server I was actually banned by ciel. Whether it was deserved was debatable, but there are always many sides to 1 story. I basically continue my scheme of buying/reselling plots and become interested in special jobs such as Architects and the Police Force. It's funny because I must have applied like 3 or 4 times to become a police officer, and I was denied each time. Same with architect, as what I was used to building did not fit the server style. Fortunately on the 3rd try, I was able to to ascend to the rank of Architect. Let me tell you, those were the good times. I had made friends with people like TheDiamondTiger and cp42, and I was even getting into slime fun.
After some months, I actually felt like I was getting more and more recognized. I took (multiple) stabs, and eventually became a helper. I would say that early on I had a pretty fun time as a helper. However, within a week I believe, older staff such as heather were leaving. After this period, we had a new wave of staff members including Aury and the reoccurrence of Izzie. Though this staff team wasn't as strong as it was previously, it was laid back and the server did ok. About this time, I was very active within the company. I still remember the hour long calls with hidden, kiri, graphic and Marie which were actually pretty fun. As a staff member I was eligible (under the unofficial rules) for being a principal or vice principal. Hosting school sessions as VP was extremely fun, and I loved every bit of it. I took pride in it, and I thought it did very well (while I was active lol), and important improvements were made from previous iterations (of school sessions). It was here where I grew a love for slime fun and mythic drops. I was having a lot of fun with Tiger doing random crap, and I would say this is where my first 'phase' of sf came, and for about a month or so I made a bunch of random stuff.
Now, around half a year had passed, and I was rich. Tiger and I were both rich. We decided on buying an island and even included a third to help with the purchase. Collectively, we were willing to pool about 6-8 mil. This never happened, and the third went inactive. At this time, I was still an architect and I had refined my terraforming skills. After a lot of research, I was eventually able to acquire tucker77island for about 4 million (I forgot the original owner). I owned this island for under a month, before selling it to PixelPuppy_ for about 5 mil (yea she fell for that one lmao, 2 ez). Though I made a quick buck, I was still adamant about buying my own island build to my hearts content. I was peaking at the time, and with Tiger, we collectively were the richest players on the server (besides that one guy who had like 80mil). At this time /as info forsale made people millionaires over night. Old players' stuff would go on autosale all the time, and everyone would wait to snipe properties. We scoped out the perfect island: Captain, owned by CaptainLevl. Unfortunately we were 15 minutes early to the snipe of the island, which ended up costing 1 million. Fortunately we were able to keep those buyers somewhat quiet as we struck out a deal. In the end we ended up paying over 16 million (including mansion plots larger than 50x50, the strongest mythic drop on the server at that time [unfortunately it got lost], and about 10mil in cash), this would equate to a lot more in the current economy. End product: Captain.
Tiger and I both started working on Captain, or a soon to be recreation of some place in Scotland. Unfortunately Tiger got banned for kill aura hacking, but we don't talk about that, many say thats not true. I continued this project on my own for a very long time. Some wonder why it is still not done after a year, and thats because along the way I became inactive twice, and because of how building works. Yes, I know it can be done, and I know I've said it 2 million times, but I did not build captain with world edit, even though it was initially available. I wanted something that would look better, and for a proper cliff effect "hand building" turned out to be the more attractive method. Though it looked better, it took hella long. I'd also like to mention the significant contributions made by cp42, and some great suggestions by Jazz.
Lets backtrack a bit. I was helper for a long time, and I mean a very long time. I think I hold the record for 'helper for longest time'. By the time I resigned, it wasn't truly because I was running out of time, but merely because it was getting me nowhere. Im going to speak honestly here. Yes, I went inactive in between, but before I was a faithful staff member for like 3-4 months. It was very disheartening to me to see other helpers get promoted after a month, while I was stuck in the same position. I never questioned it then (for whatever reason, idk), and now I still don't care to ask why. One thing I noted about the staff team a few months ago, was the fake love. And what I mean was the interactions between Leanne/Joey and the rest of the staff team. As you can tell, Im not exactly trying to go all out and h8 on all those who have a different view point than myself, but these two guys were living jokes. Leanne was somewhat close to normal, but DarkMagicin thought he was so high up on his pedestal. Guy did literal jack **** and acted like he founded this server. On top of that he always thought his opinion was 100% correct, and would shut you down at every turn unless you sucked up to him. I have to say, I can definitely see improvement in the current staff team, as sundae is at least (and this is just 1 trait) rational and is fair to the other staff members. About the 'fake love', Joey would always incite arguments, and then resolve them """cheerfully""" (most saw through his bs, but nothing was done).
Apart from that, my time on the server was becoming more and more stale. I was rich, I had an island - I was truly lost with what to do next. I was then inactive for a while. Coming back, I knew not many familiar people besides staff and a few others such as trump and death inferno. At this time FroztyStars presented themselves. I had barely interacted with them, but I knew them through Tiger. Let me tell you, she got me into slime fun, and I Was active again for a sold 2-3 months during the summer. I had a great time playing the server through this reignited love for slime fun.
And that brings us here. I've once again lost interest, and I think this time I think it might be for good. I won't exactly truly leave the server, but Ill be considerably less active. Many of you noticed some things including my island Captain - thanks for pointing that out. Ill be making another post addressing captain. Its been good guys. If any of you need anything, let me know. (just don't ask for money whatever you do).