Denied CarelessPie Architect Application

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New Member
Jul 23, 2019
1. What is your username?

2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check)

3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes I No I Willing to make one)
Yes, XxCarelessxX#8365

4. What builds would you like to submit? (/plot home <number>)
/plot home 1: Is an amazing modern home that I decorated myself. It is my favorite build so far, and I love the outcome of it! /plot home 2: This is a suburban home that is usually for beginners, with a few floors and a lovely interior. /plot home 3: A lovely small modern/suburban home, usually for beginners. /plot home 4: A bigger modern home with three stories and one basement, with a staircase to the second floor. /plot home 5: A suburban home with a slight modern touch to it, with three stories and two basements.

5. Why do you want to be an architect?
I used to play on this server about a year ago, and a month ago I started playing again. After realizing that buying and selling houses is really fun and a great way to get money, I started to build and decorate homes that I really like. Building in Minecraft has always been a passion of mine. I have many worlds that just have buildings that are designed very well, and I would love to design homes in MCCities. I also love to design the interiors of houses/buildings, it come by as a lot of fun to me! I would love to be an architect just to build and do what I really love.

6. How would you contribute to community projects?
I would contribute to them because I am on a lot and I love to build as I mentioned earlier, so I would love to help people build and love to build with other people. I will always with no hesitation help others with builds. Me and my friend play this server a lot and him and I always build houses on this server and off! I truly love building alone, and with other people. I will work hard on my builds as I do now!

Thank you for reading this application, I really do appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Jan 3, 2017
New England
There's definitely a good foundation of skills to improve on! However, the exteriors are a little funky and wouldn't fit in with the current neighborhoods on the server (I suggest removing the slabs and using full blocks instead). Try adding more depth to the sides with windows/other blocks as well. The interiors are a bit simple and lack detail. Please improve the houses or build a few new ones and reapply :)
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