Lenard_McCoy's Teacher Application

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Feb 26, 2017
What Is my In-Game Name: Lenard_McCoy

My rank on the server: Citizen

My Timezone: Pacific Standard Time

My Ar Time: 3 days, 20 hours, 20 minutes

Why do I want to become a teacher: I am very knowledgeable of many different subjects, and I really want to share my knowledge with many others. I love to meet and work with other people: Young and old. I am good with working with younger people and I can easily talk to them and help them understand complex subjects. Long story short - I wish to share my knowledge with everyone and I really would like to work with others on the server.

What subjects do I want to teach?: With McCities, I would like to teach: Medicine, Economics, and or Biology. I work very well with the sciences and work very well with numbers. So any subject that works with those I would love to do.

What would I do if a student is misbehaving?: I would start with a warning, then if they keep it up I would send them to the hallway, and after a while I would bring them back in. If they keep misbehaving I would send them to the principal's office.

Do I have a discord?: Yes I do: ThermalSphinx11#7535

Any Questions or comments: I hope if I am accepted I hope we can all work very well as a team and I hope all can work together to achieve higher goals and help others reach their goals as well. Thank you for letting me apply!
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