- What is your rank on the server? citizen
- What is your /ar check time? 1day 12hours
- How often can you play on the server? I can play for about 30mins- 1hour a day, but a lot longer on the weekends! ( around 2-4 hours, probably longer)
- Why do you want to become a teacher? I really enjoy teaching people! Also, I have a bit of humour. Education should be fun, not just the "get on and do your work so we can get the lesson over with." I'm not saying any of you are like that, so please do not get offended, you are all really lovely
. If I got to be a teacher, I would make the lessons really fun and make sure there was always a bit of humour!
- What do you want to teach? Please include 2-3 topics, in case one of them are already occupied. I would like to teach banner decoration (my fav), history, zoology (the study of animals and their behaviour)
- What would you do if a student wasn't behaving in class? If a student was swearing and being inappropriate I would tell the to go to the principal. If they were just being plain naughty, I would give them 3 warnings before sending them out the room and then if they continue to be naughty, to the principal
- Do you agree to be a good role model? As a teacher, you should be responsible and follow the law. Of course I agree.
- Do you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about teaching? How long do lessons go on for? And a dunces cap would work for naughty students XD
- Thanks so much for the opportunity!
- Thanks, Tabby