Hello, I’m so excited to be the new Principal and have so many ideas in mind. There are now more roles for the school available besides teacher and principal, we went outside of the teacher system and included more fun opportunities for players to do.
The Counselor will walk around the school, plan with teachers to come into classes and teach about being Kind to others and/or teach about how to be thankful.
The Librarian will be placed in the library, of course, they’ll have the option to write and hand out books to students with the new schedule comes-in. All students will now attend the library and read there after eating lunch (you may only get 1 book)
The Counselor will walk around the school, plan with teachers to come into classes and teach about being Kind to others and/or teach about how to be thankful.
The Librarian will be placed in the library, of course, they’ll have the option to write and hand out books to students with the new schedule comes-in. All students will now attend the library and read there after eating lunch (you may only get 1 book)
- Prom
- Soccer Game
- Participation Club (advised by counselor, for students who needs a kindness program)
- Picture Day
- Field Trip (will tour the Zoo or City as a class, teachers will pick a date for their class)