Denied Owli/Varp's Architect Application

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New Member
Jun 11, 2017
Your current in game name: Owli

Do you have Skype? (Yes or no only; we have an arch chat to discuss projects and builds as a team): Yes

Which of your creative plots would you like to submit? (Example, you have 5 plots but you think your 3rd is the best. You get there with /plot home:3): I have five plots, and am submitting with all five. /plot home 1 is the first. Once you visit it, you will realize it is the front part of the spawn. I was the architect that built the spawn's exterior. The sides and rest of the build are //stacked from another build I made not on a plot. If you would like to see a picture of those by themselves, just ask. Instead of visiting the plot, you can always just do /spawn and look at the exterior. There is also /plot tp 2. The interior of this is not what I'm submitting, just the exterior. Next, there is /plot tp 3, which is a nice interior, and a modern exterior. It and the next one are my interior submissions. Then, there is /plot tp 4. This is another modern exterior, with another nice interior. And lastly, there is my /plot tp 5. This is a nice 3 story modern house. Interior is simple and only done on the first two floors to keep the third as a practical storage floor.

As well, while I know that you didn't ask for screenshots of builds, I went and tried to find some of my builds on the server. Ill update this list as I find them:

(The interior was slightly changed by the resident)

Do you prefer interior or exterior design?: Exterior.

How much time do you tend to build each week?: If I am not on vacation, I go on for around 1-5 hours a day. I was an architect last summer, but my I left the community for awhile only to return now. ^-^So around 7-35 hours a week online, and around 60 percent of that would be building.

Tell us about your favorite building memory: My favorite building memory was definitely building the spawn for mccities. The front was part of my original architect application, but when I heard McCities needed a new spawn I gave it to a previous owner, and built the rest for him. The interior was not done by me, but I had so much fun building the whole thing. To see everybody appreciate it when it was made was an amazing experience for me.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2016
!!! Wow! This is an amazing app :D! :D I started at the /spawn when i first arrived at mccities. Thnks so so much for building the place i arrived in :D


New Member
Jun 11, 2017
!!! Wow! This is an amazing app :D! :D I started at the /spawn when i first arrived at mccities. Thnks so so much for building the place i arrived in :D
Thanks so much for the kind words ^-^ I'm glad you enjoyed my build from so long ago! :)
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Your small modern builds are rather nice, but with some of your builds I can tell that you mainly put focus on one part of it, and so from other angles the houses can look weird. Try experimenting with different styles and add to your portfolio. Best of luck to you!
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