Well tbh if the phone dosent play a major feature in the game such as something like a gps tracker or something that is a essential tool that the phone has, its not really worth buying. Like taking off /msg is impossible as players can’t communicate without it to one another. And it’s such a burden to right click open your phone right click the button to send a msg and type it. Like seriously if it dosent bring an advantage over the regular commands and functions of the game its not really worth paying for. Like the smart watch, I would say it’s not at all helpful even the police caller, in a real fight you wouldn’t have time to open you ur watch and call for police, by the time the cop gets there, the player is likely dead. It would take like 10 seconds at the most 30 seconds for those short fights where a regular pvper kills an armed/unarmed player. And it’s literally impossible to not fight back when your being attacked and waiting for the cop to save you cause it will take longer than expected. The phone even if it was made wouldn’t be that useful and it can already be seen from the smart watches. Do more than 70% of the regular player have one? Possibly. Do more than 50% of the regular players online even use it regularly? No. Like I can name 1-2 people who probably actually use it but that’s it, it’s not that helpful to majority of the regular players.