I am going to hire some players to help out with my island of bob. I am officially starting up projects so ofc I will need some help. Below will be there listed positions. You can apply for them by discording me, messaging me in game or on forums or commenting below.
Positions available:
2 build positions are available. I need one terraformer or someone who specializes in naturalization and one regular builder who has experience.
2 planner positions are available. These people will give suggestions, use maps of the island to plan out projects, and coordinate with the builders on projects.
You will get payed based on your work and added to the island.
Positions available:
2 build positions are available. I need one terraformer or someone who specializes in naturalization and one regular builder who has experience.
2 planner positions are available. These people will give suggestions, use maps of the island to plan out projects, and coordinate with the builders on projects.
You will get payed based on your work and added to the island.