Denied Teacher Application (ehem ello peeps)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017

What is your in game name?

What is your rank on the server?

What timezone are you in? (Important for planning school) Confidential, Ill just say its really close to Australian Timezone so like a few hours difference (I did this last time btw)

Why do you want to become a teacher? Because I want to teach students and it was fun being a teacher last time I was one. Not much too explain but it was a fun job overall since it didnt eat too much of my time yet gave a unique experience for both me and the students. (I Like Children :Evil:. Hehe cough ehem)

What subjects do you want to teach in? Include 2-3 topics, in case one of your chosen subject(s) are already occupied. (Minecraft or McCities related topics only, as those are most pertinent to our students) Econ, Mythics. Those were my previous subjects however I would be willing to teach sf either advanced or basic as well. And I guess business if thats open. Would prefer my old subjects tho.

How would you handle a situation if a student wasn't behaving in class?
Verbal warning, 1-2 times if they really dont wanna like budge i could send them in for detention if it gets irritating enough. Wouldnt send them straight away unless its something major.

Do you have an account for discord? (This is required for teachers to communicate and plan as a team) Yes, dont feel like disclosing it here however I feel like the Principal can easily find it.

Do you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about teaching?
If accepted could I get my old position as Counselor back as well as the former subjects I thought.

Thanks for taking the time to read it. *gasps is this my shortest post in history ehem*



New Member
Mar 23, 2019
What is your in game name?
What is your rank on the server?
What timezone are you in? (Important for planning school) Confidential, Ill just say its really close to Australian Timezone so like a few hours difference (I did this last time btw)
Central America
Why do you want to become a teacher?
I want to teach students more about the server and stuff about minecraft
What subjects do you want to teach in? Include 2-3 topics, in case one of your chosen subject(s) are already occupied. (Minecraft or McCities related topics only, as those are most pertinent to our students)
I want to teach Minecraft history, what commands to put in and what they do, and I want to teach the rules and laws
How would you handle a situation if a student wasn't behaving in class?
Verbal warning, 1-2 times if they really don't wanna like budge I could send them in for detention if it gets irritating enough. Wouldn't send them straight away unless its something major.

Do you have an account for discord? (This is required for teachers to communicate and plan as a team) Yes, don't feel like disclosing it here however I feel like the Principal can easily find it. Jabber#0258


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
Decent Application!
Looking at your Ar Time, it's very low.
Are you willing to get more active again?
I mean Im trying to but there isnt much to do on cities, nor is it very efficient atm since its very laggy tho I still play. My ar time is 120days so I really doubt Im just gonna back out of teacher for no reason, I think the best way to tackle the situation is ping teachers if you plan to start school because the lag is really unbearable. I can get active if needed just dont know what you want to expect me to do while I am on besides afk cause I can easily stay online for 8hours afk and click a few times inbetween. And that would make me look good at ar time wise but really doubt that would be good for anyone so ill just give you an honest answer.

I have other better things to do, however I feel like being a teacher will make my time more productive while I am online. I will still come online on my own schedule however I will most likely teach if a Principal/Vice Principal pings us on discord to alert us. The lag is unbearable anyways so might as well make my time productive while I am online. But really its the nothing to do and the lag is why I am not as active but If i am teacher yeah I would be more active cause I need to teach lol.
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