I would like to address all of you personally who commented. Because remember I know a lot of crap on all of you who have private messaged me over my time on cities and have told me a lot so hopefully, there won't be any anonymous leaks
@CP42 thank you for the only one here that made a constructive post even though you disagree with me you deserve being an arch over some of the ones we have now. The only good archs are
@PurpleTurkey, Eve,
@Davina and
@Pixel but she is gone.
@ChChris1065 you said I am disgusting? Well, let me tell you from all the stuff you have done I could vomit. You claimed you were McCities oldest player, you spied on my company, you scam people which I have knowledge of, you tried to take over companies when their owners are offline, you do nothing for my company and when I fire you then you claim I slandered you.
@Rykoh Karma can come to other people too <3
@DelicateBean We used to be friends. But after you lied about me copying your company, going crazy on me and Turkey and tiger and Davina I cant forgive you and I am trying hard to. I remember when I first joined the server you had me tpa someone to me when you claimed you were selling a house and then tpa killed them. Then you accuse
@PurpleTurkey of bullying as a staff member when he is the most qualified person atm to be a staff.
@Unicorn10110Pink I have nothing to say to you
@LavaFlake first a suggestion don't sell wither skulls for 80k. Second, when Bean is being negative towards me and my friends I will punch back even harder.
I needed to get this out because this was a constructive post.
1. that hurt my feelings about the arch thing T-T
2. is it really needed for you to say that... :l
@Gabriel Ive learned one thing through the past couple months, that i told you about, almost no one else knows.
You know that ive been dealing with a lot of loss, my dog passed away a couple months ago, my grandma passed away 2 weeks ago, and my parent might be getting a divorce. And ive been kinda rude on this sever since, a bit of over reacting, and stuff. And i made a HUGE mistake.
One day on of my best friends and me got in a fight, and at the end he said "Lauren, you have changed so much, i barely even know you anymore, and if you think u havent, then you need to take a long hard look at your life." and i did.... and i realized that i was wrong, and that sometimes when there are challeneges in your life, you see that as an excuse to let yourself hurt others, and you may not even know you are, i certainly didnt. And now that im realizing this, i know that just because you may have problems in your life, you cant let yourself belive its okay to hurt others because of those reasons. Ive made that mistake, and im willing to accept it, and make things right, im not going to defend myself about this, i know that what i did was wrong, and that i need to do whatever it takes to make it right. But you, i see you somewhat doing the same, possibly about to make the same mistakes as me. So dont, choose to be kind insted of right. Because sometimes, you need to take what is making you angry, and turn that into a reason to be a kind more loving person. Ive made the mistake of taking this anger out on others, and it didnt help me at all. It took 3 months for someone to get the courage to tell me that i needed to remember to be kind, and they were willing to take the risk of loosing a friendship in order to try to help me. And now im going to try to be that person for you, you can tell me im wrong, you can try to tell me this is not good, but when you really think about it, and the reason why your mad, you will see how hard im trying to help you. Im not saying that people havent done wrong to you, and trust me, im sure people have. But the people who everyone is going to remember are the people who didnt let that hurt them, and who were kind even when kindess was not shown to them. Because this world is not equel, but those who are accepting that, and trying to help make someone happy, are the ones who are truly happy.
Dont Forget To Smile,
Thank you, first off, Marie, that is very nice, by u deserve it more than me from what I've seen
Lauren- I am being sincere here and asking you to stop posting the 'least fav person' on my profile, because I know u are smart, and know that's not tru! Now to be sincere again, Om very sorry about ur grandma, dog, and parents. If there is anything you need, please msg me in a convo, I hope I can help, as I, like u, know and have gone thru some of these things before.
To Gabriel and all who have ever misunderstood anyone (which means everyone reading the post right here, right now): I seem to have been blessed with being able to step back and look upon opportunities and conflicts as they arise, normally unbiasly. But, that still comes hand in hand with being human. I still make mistakes, and I would like to repeat that many times. We all make mistakes, but what solves mistakes is forgiveness. Forgive and forget is not always fully true, you may still remember if someone has said something rude to you, or been mean in any other way. But now, I ask that anyone wanting to comment on this, please, please, take a step back and look at everything as it is laid out. In the end, what matters most is our friendships, not what company is the best, or makes the most, or who's the best arch- none of that matters. What matters most is kindness, and I urge everyone to look back and reflect on all that has gone on in this conflict. I gaurentee you that many will be able to find faults in your own behavior, or in others. I urge all of you to let go of all emotions circling through you, and to admit to yourself what you, and you yourself, have done. Here is my statement:
To all I have EVER offended or been rude to, or appear as not an amazing person to:
I am truely sorry for anything I have said. I do not want this to last any longer, and I am sorry for any rude behavior on my part. I truely am. I hope you can personally accept my apology.
If anyone else has further problems, feel free to msg me in a private convo, I prefer that we finish things up in there, and all admit to our wrongdoings. If anyone has anything kind to say to one an another, I urge you to say it below! Happiness is the ripple that makes the world go around.
Hope everyone has an amazing day, and peace out, I respect all of you, and I hope I get the same back!
<3 CP42