I would like to address all of you personally who commented. Because remember I know a lot of crap on all of you who have private messaged me over my time on cities and have told me a lot so hopefully, there won't be any anonymous leaks
@CP42 thank you for the only one here that made a constructive post even though you disagree with me you deserve being an arch over some of the ones we have now. The only good archs are
@PurpleTurkey, Eve,
@Davina and
@Pixel but she is gone.
@ChChris1065 you said I am disgusting? Well, let me tell you from all the stuff you have done I could vomit. You claimed you were McCities oldest player, you spied on my company, you scam people which I have knowledge of, you tried to take over companies when their owners are offline, you do nothing for my company and when I fire you then you claim I slandered you.
@Rykoh Karma can come to other people too <3
@DelicateBean We used to be friends. But after you lied about me copying your company, going crazy on me and Turkey and tiger and Davina I cant forgive you and I am trying hard to. I remember when I first joined the server you had me tpa someone to me when you claimed you were selling a house and then tpa killed them. Then you accuse
@PurpleTurkey of bullying as a staff member when he is the most qualified person atm to be a staff.
@Unicorn10110Pink I have nothing to say to you
@LavaFlake first a suggestion don't sell wither skulls for 80k. Second, when Bean is being negative towards me and my friends I will punch back even harder.
I needed to get this out because this was a constructive post.