What mccities really needs right now. - Long Post Sit back and Relax

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Jan 14, 2017
Im not agreeing or disagreeing with you, but however, your last paragraph really makes it sound like Zain is the one in charge. At the end of the day faheem and Kiri are still making the calls and will have to do all the work. I don’t know if I’m misunderstanding, or if you could clarify your thoughts for future actions?
Im sorry for the confusion, but I promise my only intention is for the future of the server.
I know both Kiri and Faheem are still the ones that matter, but Zains motivation to help is also what Im supporting.
I just want to help the server if needed thats all.


Jan 14, 2017
Clearly you have no clue what you are talking about. The server you made failed because you guys didn't properly secure the server. You guys copied builds from other server and generally had pretty bad ethics when it came to making that server. So what happened was absolutely deserved of you, regardless of how much time it took. Copying builds from another server is not "borrowing" it, it's stealing. Your server was not nearly as successful as this. You mention how stagnant phase came through when I was in charge? But McCities also had a phase where it thrived like never before. We were getting 100 players with ease during the summer and reached player counts around 120 without bots so it's funny you mention that as if you were successful at all. Remember when you said you were going to flood Cayman randomly and told absolutely no one and made that announcement, yeah? When you roleplaying like you were a villain and started killing everyone? Sounds fun.

You're mentioning lack of knowledge on lag control but you are the one who started this server with what really lags the server (Slimefun, etc). Clearly you know so much if you think lots of ram means less lag... :ftm:

I'll give you credit for starting the server. To be fair, I was stunned when I came across the server at first, but the things you mention as if everything would fix itself when you were in charge is not true at all.
Kiri, he doesnt mean to straightforward attack you.
He just wants to help


Staff member
Jan 18, 2016
Kiri, he doesnt mean to straightforward attack you.
He just wants to help
Trying to help by making yourself seem better than you really are is not a good way to help. I've never seen a thing he did that he actually mentioned, so his post doesn't help me see anything other than that he's just lying, and that's not a good look from someone who is trying to appeal themselves.


Jan 14, 2017
Trying to help by making yourself seem better than you really are is not a good way to help. I've never seen a thing he did that he actually mentioned, so his post doesn't help me see anything other than that he's just lying, and that's not a good look from someone who is trying to appeal themselves.
I dont think he is trying to make it that way,
Kiri you havent worked with him in years, he may have changed.
The fact he took time to write all that means he just wants to help.
When someone spends time on something alot, they just forget it.
I understand maybe you are seeing this as him appealing, but try to re consider


Staff member
Aug 12, 2018
United States
Trying to help by making yourself seem better than you really are is not a good way to help. I've never seen a thing he did that he actually mentioned, so his post doesn't help me see anything other than that he's just lying, and that's not a good look from someone who is trying to appeal themselves.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2019
United States
I like the ideas, although you kind of act like your still in-charge, don't get me wrong, I am not being rude, but you act like your still the owner or something, mods will discuss your ideas I bet, but you do sound like your still the owner, and scratch that, the point is, at the end of the day you are not the one in charge and the owner/staff (nibble, Faheem_, Trump15024, etc.) is now in-charge of making all the decisions, I do like your ideas, and I think you would have made a good owner back then, but I am NOT taking sides on this, as I love the ideas you mentioned, but you acted like you we're in-charge, you constantly pointed out that you we're the past owner acting like they would listen to everything you had to say, and YOU legit kind of insulted nibble, nibble is an awesome person and has a fun side, I do not know what side you had seen him then, but he made McCities a GREAT place, and he was a fun guy, my intention wasn't to argue, and just put my opinion in, please have a safe day, in all reasons possible.



Jun 8, 2019
The New World
Trying to help by making yourself seem better than you really are is not a good way to help. I've never seen a thing he did that he actually mentioned, so his post doesn't help me see anything other than that he's just lying, and that's not a good look from someone who is trying to appeal themselves.
If I really did not do a thing back then, would mccities still be here today, would be the biggest question. So your statement is pretty much contradicting. You do realise that back then we were still kids and not everyone could be as mature as you were and not everyone could think straight either.

As for Cayman flooding , it was pure Roleplay isnt Cayman still there today, we already discussed about a new city and that story was just used to get the players interested.

And the villian part , yes I killed players... But hey we were having fun and we are playing a game. It was a challenge between me and the strongest pvp players on the server. It isnt like I stole their stuff or destroyed their houses. Unlike you I actually played with all my players even though I was an Owner.

I have no idea why you hate me or what reason is there to hate me even though I supported back then.

As for slimefun, I looked for something that could make mccities unique and bit more realistic , then I xame accross slimefun. The real question is would players have stayed without slimefun?
You already know I tried that and it didnt work. Slimefun is something basically players enjoy doing and is one of the main reasons they remain on the server. And again I was not knowledgeable at that time to know it would be the root cause of all lag.

As for the other server I created, You talk as if stealing buildings is some heavy crime or something and you are literally accepting the fact that you were the one who sabotaged it.
So if i build something like a tutorial on youtube shows me , is it considered stealing??? And if I use builds that people have given the public access to, is it considered stealing?? And then again it isnt as if minecraft buildings have patents or copyrights.. its a game for god sake. Your points about stealing makes no sense.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2019
United States
If I really did not do a thing back then, would mccities still be here today, would be the biggest question. So your statement is pretty much contradicting. You do realise that back then we were still kids and not everyone could be as mature as you were and not everyone could think straight either.

As for Cayman flooding , it was pure Roleplay isnt Cayman still there today, we already discussed about a new city and that story was just used to get the players interested.

And the villian part , yes I killed players... But hey we were having fun and we are playing a game. It was a challenge between me and the strongest pvp players on the server. It isnt like I stole their stuff or destroyed their houses. Unlike you I actually played with all my players even though I was an Owner.

I have no idea why you hate me or what reason is there to hate me even though I supported back then.
That is pretty wise of you, and probably true facts, you sound like a really fun person, but at the same time, you are not the owner anymore, I am not trying to start stuff with you bud, but in all honesty he probably doesn't like the way you threw him under the bush when you said he was not fun and too serious, after all, I just just joined back to McCities and back in the day he was a great owner, he was fun, fun to talk to, he was also really understanding. I think you had him all wrong.


Staff member
Jan 18, 2016
If I really did not do a thing back then, would mccities still be here today, would be the biggest question. So your statement is pretty much contradicting. You do realise that back then we were still kids and not everyone could be as mature as you were and not everyone could think straight either.

As for Cayman flooding , it was pure Roleplay isnt Cayman still there today, we already discussed about a new city and that story was just used to get the players interested.

And the villian part , yes I killed players... But hey we were having fun and we are playing a game. It was a challenge between me and the strongest pvp players on the server. It isnt like I stole their stuff or destroyed their houses. Unlike you I actually played with all my players even though I was an Owner.

I have no idea why you hate me or what reason is there to hate me even though I supported back then.

As for slimefun, I looked for something that could make mccities unique and bit more realistic , then I xame accross slimefun. The real question is would players have stayed without slimefun?
You already know I tried that and it didnt work. Slimefun is something basically players enjoy doing and is one of the main reasons they remain on the server. And again I was not knowledgeable at that time to know it would be the root cause of all lag.

As for the other server I created, You talk as if stealing buildings is some heavy crime or something and you are literally accepting the fact that you were the one who sabotaged it.
So if i build something like a tutorial on youtube shows me , is it considered stealing??? And if I use builds that people have given the public access to, is it considered stealing?? And then again it isnt as if minecraft buildings have patents or copyrights.. its a game for god sake. Your points about stealing makes no sense.
Sorry, let me correct myself for you. Taking builds without permission from another server is stealing. You did not have permission for those builds and I have on multiple occasions seen Ghibli steal builds without shame from different servers for your server. Second, killing people when you would lose inventory in the city back then with items you would get op is not fun for everyone when you absolutely outclassed them in items. Third, I never said I sabotaged your server and never did; however, I know the security flaw that was used because it was so easy to figure out if you did even a small bit of research. You decided to start accusing me of that and then started accusing us of stealing player's password because you were mad about your own inability.

I don't hate you, just that I don't like the type of person you are :coffee:. You are being absolutely shameless acting like you didn't do anything wrong when you did.


Jun 8, 2019
The New World
Sorry, let me correct myself for you. Taking builds without permission from another server is stealing. You did not have permission for those builds and I have on multiple occasions seen Ghibli steal builds without shame from different servers for your server. Second, killing people when you would lose inventory in the city back then with items you would get op is not fun for everyone when you absolutely outclassed them in items. Third, I never said I sabotaged your server and never did; however, I know the security flaw that was used because it was so easy to figure out if you did even a small bit of research. You decided to start accusing me of that and then started accusing us of stealing player's password because you were mad about your own inability.

I don't hate you, just that I don't like the type of person you are :coffee:.
All in all its the best to forget the past and start a new. I understand you hate the type of 'person' I am , however the world is a big place and there are different people , you cant expect everyone to be like you, that is what makes everyone unique.

The reason why I made this post should be made clear again. You resigned without fixing the issues and I am here asking for a chance to do the things you left off and to set everything between me and you right.

Faheem is still learning and that is fine, however we all are busy people in real life at the end of the day, a little help wouldn't bother.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2019
United States
All in all its the best to forget the past and start a new. I understand you hate the type of 'person' I am , however the world is a big place and there are different people , you cant expect everyone to be like you, that is what makes everyone unique.

The reason why I made this post should be made clear again. You resigned without fixing the issues and I am here asking for a chance to do the things you left off and to set everything between me and you right.

Faheem is still learning and that is fine, however we all are busy people in real life at the end of the day, a little help wouldn't bother.
You can't just get hired like that.... I understand you created this but there is a new owner now.


Honestly, I agree with Zain.

I was part of the staff when the massive internal conflict happened, some of you may know me, I am saipo12345.
I have also continuously kept on going on McCities,
Its sad to say but I feel like the server is going downwards, I feel like the current staff are being mistreated and they lack abit of love for
Faheem gives me cookies. I'm not being mistreated, I promise.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2016
Killing people when you would lose inventory in the city back then with items you would get op is not fun for everyone when you absolutely outclassed them in items.
You act as if you care about if people had lost their stuff. Remember guys, this is coming the guy who world edited ALL of the chests in Cayman away because he was MAD. Which costed myself, and the players of McCities millions of dollars in items, causing many, many players to leave as a result. Zain is no saint but Neither are you, Kiri.

Kiri, let's not forget what you've added to the roleplay of this here city server.

Let's list what additions problems Kiri has added to the server in his time as Administrator,

Mythic Drops - Very good for roleplay you know, the instant blindness and confusion is top notch. 11/10.
Stocks - Ruined the economy & only added to inflation! STONKS
Glitched Bank Robbing
- it explains itself
Plot Hoarding - Kiri literally fixed the plot hoarding problem himself by owning half of all the properties in the server so the hoarders could never get the chance to!

You've done nothing but add more issues to the server while failing to fix Zain's past mistakes. You're no better.
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