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  1. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Unknown House Sale

    Ask sgt_mason9, Lolobeany, or HipHopRabbits. I helped with the house, and I know Lolobeany IRL and we're good friends. Lolobeany's also devastated because apparently, sgt_mason9 divorced her and lost all her stuff as well. Also, A18 was bought by someone.
  2. Oviia { Rachel }

    McDonalds implying a bit of racism?

    why is this still going? I thought would've ended at HeyLook's post lmao
  3. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Unknown House Sale

    Exactly! Thank you Isolation. Thank you, ~ Oviia <3
  4. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Unknown House Sale

    I never directly accused sgt_mason9 of stealing them, I accused him of not telling me about this house sale, which resulted in my items being gone and not having a home. I lived with them the day they got the house, and it's A18 in Golden Hills. Thank you, ~ Oviia <3
  5. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Unknown House Sale

    I checked with a Cop and all the chests had no activity. Thank you, ~ Oviia <3
  6. Oviia { Rachel }

    McDonalds implying a bit of racism?

    In N out is bOmb tho
  7. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Unknown House Sale

    They were stolen from my private chests, and I will go do that. Thank you, ~ Oviia <3
  8. Oviia { Rachel }

    McDonalds implying a bit of racism?

    Just because it doesn't happen where you live, Jazz, doesn't mean it isn't happening anywhere else.
  9. Oviia { Rachel }

    McDonalds implying a bit of racism?

    I once saw a customer making fun of a white girl at taco bell once, he was Mexican and scolded her because "she's not doing the correct way of making AUTHENTIC tacos"
  10. Oviia { Rachel }

    McDonalds implying a bit of racism?

    Thank you Error.
  11. Oviia { Rachel }

    McDonalds implying a bit of racism?

    "And really, come on guys, it's 2018." Exactly, apparently, everything nowadays is "racist", "sexist", or "culturistic" You're looking way too deep into this. I find it quite funny with his poncho and his sombrero and his mustache. They're were making it be a joke, not some sort of "symbol"...
  12. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Unknown House Sale

    @Arius My chests were locked, and I don't know how to do chest logs. When I find out how I will screenshot it and post it. Thank you, ~ Oviia <3
  13. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Unknown House Sale

    My friend Lolobeany is married to a guy named sgt_mason9. I happily lived with them and helped them out with stuff, and Lolobeany said sgt_mason9 were on a "payment plan" with their friend and that everything was worked out, so I paid no attention to that until tonight. I logged on, my stuff was...