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  1. Oviia { Rachel }

    Inactivity - Summer School

    good lucks! <3
  2. Oviia { Rachel }

    Hey guys, its Tuesday, July 17, and 0 players are on. Is the server being reset?

    I would also recommend fuller house, it's hilarious.
  3. Oviia { Rachel }

    she is xD

    she is xD
  4. Oviia { Rachel }

    you're the garfield to my l a s a g n a

    you're the garfield to my l a s a g n a
  5. Oviia { Rachel }

    POTM Poll- July!

    Congrats guys! So proud of you both <3
  6. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Shakaar12 broke my plane ;~;

    sorry if it's terrible, it was recorded on my phone lmao
  7. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Shakaar12 broke my plane ;~;

    ( link 2 proof :3 )
  8. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Shakaar12 broke my plane ;~;

    i'm going on discord rn to send it <3
  9. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Unknown House Sale

    I feel like this case should be closed already, sgt_mason9 and I have talked about stuff and have everything worked out. This doesn't need to go on any longer. I have closure, if that's what is needed.
  10. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Shakaar12 broke my plane ;~;

    1. Who are you accusing? Shakaar12 2. What are your claims/accusations? Shakaar12 broke my plane at bank while i was trying to fly away. He also broke my heli before this, and refused to pay money for the damage. 3. Any additional proof you can provide us? Yes, I videotaped it just incase if he...
  11. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Unknown House Sale

    Not yet, Arius.
  12. Oviia { Rachel }

    I'll Be Back MUAHAHA + my will (for thiccboynoticeme)

    Aww, I'll miss you heylook. You will forever be the most handsome doggo in my heart. I'm sure everybody else at MCCities will miss you until you come back. Bye! <3 ( Good luck on skipping geometry tho ) jeez, in the tone that I wrote this it sounds like you're dying lmao
  13. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Unknown House Sale

    Lolobeany said that you and she were on a payment plan and that she helped pay it. I can ask her again. I don't want any money, but I'll look through the stuff. Prior to the incident, I never took any locks off or took out my items. That's why I wondered where it went.
  14. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Unknown House Sale

    I talked with sgt_mason9 today and he said he never told Lolobeany about him buying it, renovating it, then re-selling it. He also said that there were no signs or anything on my chests and nothing was in there. He also said he knew nothing about what happened to my dog.
  15. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Unknown House Sale

    Huh. weird.
  16. Oviia { Rachel }

    Which superhero would you want to be?

    om yess cutie-kun
  17. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Unknown House Sale

    If I would've known that all the stuff was at his apt, I would've never written the case. I just would've just asked him for the stuff and that would've been the end of it. I'm just wondering why he decided to sell the house though. Case closed, I guess?
  18. Oviia { Rachel }

    Which superhero would you want to be?

    Jack Jack, because he's adorable and can be a laser gun. wEEEEE