Search results

  1. Fiirena

    City suggestions!

    Hello random people!! I have some suggestions that MAY or may not make the server better :D 1. Sit exams in school for some jobs. Maybe once a week or something, the principal holds an exam in school for maybe one or two jobs? 2. A writer as a job? Writers could write books for a library, and...
  2. Fiirena

    Tabbys 10day challenge day 1(WhatHaveIGotMyselfInto)

    10 things about me 1. I play violin, but prefer Scottish and Irish to classical (me and a friend came first in a duet hehehe) 2. I love Leanne, Joey and Magic_terminator :love: 3. I'm awful at building and pvp and parkour and minecraft xDD 4. I'm reallly interested in zoology :D 5. Fav to show...
  3. Fiirena

    PuzzleTower Applications!

    Hello lovely people! If you are interested in applying to be an employee in PuzzleTower, please apply here! (Please read this first before applying) Thanks! If there's any questions, please contact...
  4. Fiirena

    PuzzleTower- New company!

    PuzzleTower! Welcome to our new company- PuzzleTower! Puzzle tower is basically a room escape, but in a tower, with lots of different puzzles to complete! If you manage to complete the levels in a certain amount of time (the faster you are, the better the prizes!) you WIN AMAZING STUFF!! XD...
  5. Fiirena

    Completed Transfer request :D

    Username: CraziiTabby Creative plot: /plot home 3 City plot you want the build moved to: star-city-46 Note: I already have a basement in my plot Thanks :D
  6. Fiirena

    What happens when Dark goes AFK...

    Sorry @DarkMagicinY I couldn't resist XDD Anyway, so this is what happens when Dark goes a AFK in my creative plot, when me and Lexi are there.... @ItzLexicorn LOL We named it DADDYS POOP HUT!!! (Lexi decorated)
  7. Fiirena

    Looking for an arch!

    Hey ppl! I'm looking for an arch to hire! I have bought star-city-46 and it is 21x10 I need a big tower for a tower escape, but pretty cheap to hire :D Please comment or add me to a conversation!
  8. Fiirena


    i was thinking you could add holidays, where you go to the airport, pay, choose which island you want to go to, get in the plane and like a minute later your at your destination! Please comment your thoughts! :laugh: Edit: It would be also cool if there was a vacation island :D with beach...
  9. Fiirena

    Withdraw money and bottle XP

    I think it would be good if we could withdraw money, and bottle out XP. It would be so much easier if you needed money, other than going to the bank, and the XP would be good cause if people need to save up XP and they die, all that time is for nothing ._. Thanks :)
  10. Fiirena

    Buying Skyscraper plot!

    hey there, I'm looking for a skyscraper plot to build a Tower Escape company! If you have one you are willing to sell, please start a conversation with me, or msg me ig! My ign is CraziiTabby Thanks!
  11. Fiirena

    Find your quote!

    XDD yes, as you read in the title, find YOUR QUOTE *applause* Soo what you have to do is comment or make a conversation with me and tell me about your personality, and I will find your quote for you!! (I am seriously bored as you can tell :3)
  12. Fiirena

    Buying Buying a plot in the city!

    hey guys! I'm looking for a plot in the city (as I said duh) because I'm gonna be making a company called Tower Escape! I'd prefer it to have nothing on, but if it does have something on it's fine XD
  13. Fiirena

    Whale watching :D

    i decided to post a few videos of the whales and dolphins i saw whilst I was whale watching! I saw: a few fur seals, HUNDREDS of dusky dolphins (when I say hundreds, I MEAN hundreds!!), a few hectors dolphins (rarest dolphins in the world, didn't have time to video them though :(, a few...
  14. Fiirena

    Going whale watching

    Going whale watching this week for 4 or 5 days in Kaikoura I won't be on :D I will try and get a video of one to post on here :3'
  15. Fiirena


    There should be a massive theme park! There could be candy floss stalls, rides, games and stuff! Sorry it's only short but couldn't think what else to put XD
  16. Fiirena

    Accepted Magic_tabby teacher application

    What is your rank on the server? citizen What is your /ar check time? 1day 12hours How often can you play on the server? I can play for about 30mins- 1hour a day, but a lot longer on the weekends! ( around 2-4 hours, probably longer) Why do you want to become a teacher? I really enjoy teaching...
  17. Fiirena

    Buying Buying milk!

    Please me in game if you have any milk. :laugh: My name is: magic_tabby I have been looking for milk for agessss but have had no luck :( thanks for reading!
  18. Fiirena

    Hai people :D

    hi, as this was here, I feel like I need to introduce myself!! So, I'm Magic_tabby, feel free to call me Tabby,I've been playing for a couple days now, and I'm finding the server really amazing! And now I don't have much to say lel :) ok then cya on there guys! -Tabby