Search results

  1. mmitchh

    Looking for traditional arch!

    Hello Cities, I'm currently looking for a traditional arch to remake the interior for sre1 - Comment below the thread, msg me in-game or msg over my discord if you are willing to help me out. Thanks
  2. mmitchh

    Transfer to Amh15

    Username: Discusion Creative plot: /plot home 4 shadow_stalker77 City plot you want the build moved to: amh15
  3. mmitchh

    City to creative

    Username: Discusion plot: bunnymansion4 Creative plot you want the build moved to: sundaes 3rd arch plot /plot home sundae22 2
  4. mmitchh

    Transfer Request from arch!

    Username: Discusion Creative plot: /plot visit sundae22 3 City plot you want the build moved to: wallymansion Sundaes Permission :D Thanks!
  5. mmitchh

    Fast Builds! *Death and Mitchell*

    Hey everyone! Lately, @Death and I have been redoing plots and have decided to start taking requests to redo old or unwanted builds on plots If you need fast (and cheap) builds done please msg either of us! ( Discord Death#6002, Mitchell#7897 ) Thank you!
  6. mmitchh

    Selling Selling Prot 5 Boots

    Selling Prot 5 Boots and unbreaking 8 4 Slots (Frost III, Needles III) Starting at 50k!
  7. mmitchh

    Buying Buying Mountain plots

    Hello Everyone! I'm looking to buy almost any mountain plots with a high budget, /msg me ig (magic_terminator) contact me via this thread or forums or my discord #Mitchell7897 Thanks
  8. mmitchh

    Transfer Request :)

    Username: Magic_Terminator Creative plot: /plot home 2 (grey build, there are 2 but should have a sign indicating which) City plot you want the build moved to: h2 Thanks :)
  9. mmitchh

    Buying Looking for a sre plot/mansion

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for a sre plot, I don't have an exact budget so if your willing to sell one please msg me on discord (Mitchell#7897 ), ig or put your price here Thanks!
  10. mmitchh

    Transfer Request

    Username: Magic_Terminator Creative plot: /plot home 3 City plot you want the build moved to: mhouse3 ty its a large area but you should be able to find it x3 :sneaky:
  11. mmitchh

    Transfer Request!

    Hello! Id like /plot visit zombeekeeller 2 transferred to amh15! :D Thanks, permission below
  12. mmitchh


    Id like a transfer to amh15 :) /plot visit zombeekeeller 2 Thank you, permission below!
  13. mmitchh

    Potentially Leaving

    Hey cities, its been an amazing 10 months I've had, but I think my time is coming to go for a break or leave in general. Thank you too @LeanneTheUnicorn @DarkMagicinY @zombeekeeller @FroztyStars @xXSlimexCubeXx @Graphic_elf, my kids, @Death_Inferno360 and everyone else who has helped me...
  14. mmitchh

    Selling Selling Plots!

    Hey Everyone! Selling : Beachhouse_101 (for resell already take a look) a128 (for resell) If You'd like either offer here (beachhouse's top is 180k) :) Thank you
  15. mmitchh

    Mitchell's Party! :D

    Thanks to everyone who showed up! :)
  16. mmitchh

    Selling Mythic Leggings :)

    I also have a helmet which is still for sale atm please leave offers here :) (helmet screenshot is in previous selling)
  17. mmitchh

    Transfer Request

    Username: Isolqtion Creative plot: plot 4 (/plot tp 4) City plot you want the build moved to: a16 :) Thanks :)
  18. mmitchh

    Selling Mythic Armour

    Selling Armour! The Chestplate i cant see all the enchants for sorry! Leave Offers or mail me (mail send Isolqtion)
  19. mmitchh

    Buying Buying Plot on bunny

    Looking to buy a plot on the bunny island if possible , please leave name (plot and username) and your offer! Thankssssss
  20. mmitchh

    Transfer Request

    Username: Magic_Terminator City plot: wallymansion Creative plot you want the build moved to: Arch Plot Queen Melone 4;2 Thanks -Magic