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  1. Bellaa


  2. Bellaa


  3. Bellaa

    cuteness *graphic will like this*

  4. Bellaa

    Event Of Kindness {Update #1}

    Okay everyone! I will be revealing the prizes for the EOK! First place prize: $50k Second place prize: $30k Start sending in your acts of kindness!! <3 My Discord: Peggy#5168
  5. Bellaa

    Event Of Kindness

    So Lauren my queen @Lauren she has inspired me and i'm sure a bunch of all you other people to be kind, and open your eyes to the toxicity. As an event to help with toxicity and hopefully give back to the server I want to do "The Event Of kindness" And EOK for short. What will happen: 1. Send...
  6. Bellaa

    savings accounts

    ok basically my explaining skills are very messy so bare wit me. so basically now some of you like me are HorRIbLe at saving money. so if there was another option at the bank for saving accs people like me could save money! what would happen is for a saving acc u set ur acc to the amount of...
  7. Bellaa


    There is so much hate in this world, spread the love <3
  8. Bellaa

    Photo Shoot With Bestie!

    Thought These Were Kinda Cute <3 Might Delete Later. #bestie #loveya #selfielyfe #hastag @Lauren were so ugly lol!
  9. Bellaa

    proved wrong :>

    oki so who ever wrote this in the jail u have been proved wrong i think it was leanne :> @LeanneTheUnicorn
  10. Bellaa

    please. listen. to. this.

    ok so as some of you know, im the biggest piece of hamiltrash u will find... so this song "first burn" the first version of the song in the musical "burn" its great... please take 3:06 mins out of your life to listen to this! :D <3
  11. Bellaa

    DarkEmeraldXD's Transfer Request

    Username: DarkEmeraldXD Creative plot: 1 City plot you want the build moved to: H807 The House im transfering is quartz and it has 3 rows of flowers in the front :3 thank you :3
  12. Bellaa

    DarkEmeraldXD's Transfer

    Username: DarkEmeraldXD Creative plot: 1 City plot you want the build moved to: H807 The House im transfering is quartz and it has 3 rows of flowers in the front :3 thank you :3
  13. Bellaa

    Emerald Mountain Biking Event!

    Hello Friends! yes, as the title reads i will be doing a mountain biking event called "Emerald Mountain Biking Event!" Basically what's gonna happen is on April 3rd At 12 Pm pacific timezone, please translate that into your timezone. Here is The Application To Apply To Be A Biker...
  14. Bellaa

    SoMe MeMeS tO lIgHtEn De MoOoOdDdD!!

    Memes. Ok Im DoNe!! HaVe A Gr8 DaY!!!
  15. Bellaa

    WhAt IfFfF??!!

    WhAt If fIsH cOuLd AcTuAlLy FlY??!!! Not Flying Fish like Fish With Bird Wings...
  16. Bellaa

    Im A pArRoT!!

    WhY yEs ThIs Is mE!!! I MaDe MySeLf LoOk LiKe A pArRoT wItH mY pArRoTs!!
  17. Bellaa

    I lIKe PiCkLeS

    I hOpE yOu HaVe A gOoD dAy!! -daRkEmErAlDxD
  18. Bellaa


    You can Apply For Gazeta Now! Gazeta is A News Paper Company, And We Are Currently Looking For 5 Employees! 3 news Collecters 2 Writers! As A Writer you Get a cute seat in a comfy cubicle, a free copy of every gazeta, and a good pay depending on how much you work. As A News Collector You Get A...
  19. Bellaa


    @nibble *claps* *no comment* *im proud* *take a bow* *you deserve it* *you get the stamp of approval* *highfives nibble* *ok sticker on nibbles forehead*
  20. Bellaa

    Apply For Gazeta!!

    Welcome to Gazeta!! Gazeta is a newspaper company I have just created that will produce a newspaper weekly for McCities!! Positions! News Collector: As a news collector you go around collecting news, If you ask for news from other players confirm it is true before using it. If you're caught...